
Is that black duct tape in the seat? Yikes. And why, oh why, do these guys feel the need to put so many lights on their trucks? I mean really... if for some reason you’re doing some hard-core off-roading at night you really only need to see 100 feet or so in front of the truck. And if your racing through the dark

Looks like Elon is finally learning part what the 1st Amendment actually means... you can say whatever stuff you want, but words have consequences.

I suspect that today — when push comes to shove, if you’ll acknowledge the abuse reference — the courts in TX would probably still uphold a lot of those pre 1974 codes of conduct.

Honestly, I think this is the best looking version of the Civic available now. The Si is just a hot mess. I also like that the dash — if you squint enough — harkens back to the simplicity of the very first little CVCC models.

I had the same thoughts.

Being ensconced in all that bird skin is a little to “Silence of the Lambs” for me.  No way, no how, ND. 

I actually agree — the MR2 COULD keep up with 80mph traffic, but you were turning like 4500RPM (for hours and hours on end if on a trip). It just wasn’t pleasant. And while I know a NA Miata could/can do it, you don’t see a lot of them out on the highways these days.

Yup. I grew up in Eastern PA (basically a distant suburb of the NYC area) in the 80s/90s and even then, as a teenagers, my friends and I knew he was a fake/loser/con man. I hope the rest of the country wises up fast, but I’m not optimistic.

About 10 years ago I succumbed to the pull of nostalgia and bought an 85 MR2 just like the one I had when I was 24. It was fun and exciting — for the first few days. Then I discovered how hard it was to find parts for it, especially the interior and exterior plastic trim. It was miserable on the highway as cars from

I have zero interest in joining that club, but it would be fun to annoy the members by showing up with a totally bastardized rebuild of that thing. What’s the most offensive motor you could pit in it? A chevy small block? An anemic VW beetle engine? 

If this was perfect and stock I could make the argument that the price is in the ballpark for a notable piece of 80s performance nostalgia — mint 90s CRXs are going for $30K plus these days. But let’s be honest — this one is a bit hacked up. The interior looks a bit worn, the dash has been violated with that

I came here to post but Ricky’s pretty much summed it up perfectly. 

Yup. Some people hate HOAs, but well-run ones serve a very good purpose.

The problem with this stuff always seems to be that there’s always a few that just push the boundaries and ruin it for everyone. For instance, most neighbors wound’t get bent out of shape with a car that lives under a decent cover in the driveway. But leave an old rusty Camaro on jack stands for a 6 months – plus the

A great start. I hope they go after very shop in the country that did this kind of thing. We could probavbly wipe out the National Deficit if they just got every shop in Florida, South Carolina and Georgia.

Nice job on the refresh but it’s still the entry level Porsche. I feel like it didn’t get a lot of respect then, and it’s not going to get a lot of respect now or maybe even the future. Plus that vague cautionary note that it still has some undefined issues... worrisome.  I’d take that money and keep looking for a

Yup, nailed the generation. And sure, I realize the name wasn’t from a slur; it just seems crazy now.

So I guess the only unanswered question is “What color Challenger does he drive?”

Just the little stuff, like spending all day paint correcting and detailing the car, then the next morning dinging and and scratching it while getting the lawnmower out of the garage. I swear we’re all our own worst enemies.

I have vague memories of washing cars with Spic-N-Span back in the day. Hard to believe we ever thought that was a good idea, and also hard to believe there was ever a product with that name. But it’s all true!