
More obnoxious is Florida’s system where apparently you can only lower the speed limit by 10 mph at a time. So driving to Gainesville, for instance, you are bombarded by constant speed limit changes, because apparently you can’t go through a traffic light if the speed limit is higher than 45. The last time I drove

And if you live in a small enough area, you may find yourself targeted by stops more frequently.”

With study after study after study showing that heterogenous groups of people make better decisions, and a similar number of studies showing that homogeneous groups make worse decisions, it should be quite obvious that having diversity in any workforce is a recipe for success.

Personally, I’d kinda like to see the world’s 5th largest economy declare it’s independence.

2nd gear. Growing up as a car crazed kid in SoCal, I had a lot of animosity for CARB, especially when it came to smogging my 914. However, I also remember not being able to go out for recess at school because of the air quality. Going to my cousin’s house in Pasadena to go swimming and then having a smoker’s cough all

1St Gear: official wipe from documentation to PR reports doesn’t mean it’s gone. Many companies are just moving forward internally, with no changes to policy.  They know what’s right.

A nice Fiero GT with a 350 would be around this much -- and to be honest the GTs have aged very nicely and don’t need the kit car treatment.

We’d allow him to be dropped off on an isolated, drifting, shrinking ice sheet somewhere in the northwest passage that he has to share with a polar bear... and that’s it.

Can we find him a wrong enough end in Canada to deport him too?

I just wish Hunter S. Thompson could organize his eventual state funeral.

Eh, that was a tongue in cheek sort of thing, really.  This is considerably more fucked up.

Anyone remember how we were going to rename french fries “freedom fries” because the French opposed the invasion of Iraq?

Bunch of beta babies, or something of the sort.

Exactly what I came to say. Goddamn cowards. 


We live in the dumbest timeline

Android Auto integration on a nice big screen is much better than a cheap phone mount. Sounds like you just need a new car.

So... other commenters have touched on some issues, here:

My Miata only gets ~180 miles to a tank.  

  “...eliminated side markers and turn signals...” WTF? Is this even legal? And even if it is, how stupid would one have to be to want to drive around with no turn signals?