
A dirty car means you don’t take any pride in car ownership or care about one of your largest financial expenditures. Not to mention a dirty car will scratch and deteriorate faster as any time you rub up against it as that grit gets ground into the paint.
This does not apply to vehicles used for “adventures’ offroad

I was on Broad Street when the Phillies won, and it was, as a friend described it, “New Years Eve meets the Tet offensive.”

Holy shit, I can’t imagine having such a hard-on for a dude that I’m willing to give him a public BJ via social media after his shitty truck gets me into a bad accident.

Trump wants to get his hands on Canada’s valuable rare earth elements.”

That fake gauge is the absolute awesome.

This is correct. Donald Trump only wants things that people more successful than him want. You could convince him that wind turbines are the greatest thing since sliced bread if you could convince Elmo to tell him Canada is “winning at wind.”

If it were a manual, I’d pick it up this weekend...

This is TOUGH. Ultimately I voted ND. It might be within negotiating distance IF it was a manual. The auto tipped it to ND.

She is ready to take up a position in the passenger seat. NP. 

Modern VW = ND. 

It's pretty clean, and the miles aren't bad for the age, but as far as I'm concerned, a modern VW without a warranty is pretty much always a ND.

WTF is wrong with kids these days.....maybe the parents ??

Maybe the kid’s sane. He sees the way this country is headed and wanted out.

Everyone’s Clint Eastwood when they’re the ones pointing a weapon at an unarmed victim. Most will pussy out when someone points one back.

I’m curious if the rifle was fake or not loaded. Or the teen simply didn’t think someone would fight back and decided to call it quits. I think we can start trying these brats as adults and fine every single parent involved, even of the kids that may have dared him to do this.

LOL @ Nissan thinking they should have a say when they’re literally having their asses saved by Honda.

Tell me more about that Riviera sitting there in the background, just like the farm car your wacky aunt in Des Moines once inherited.

I would rather have an old-school radio/head unit than a janky, outdated infotainment screen. And on a long enough timeline, *any* system will become janky and outdated.

Right? I think they buried the lede with that article title. 25,000 makes it sound like kind of a long time, but 2 years? That’s nothing.

2 years / 25k is actually way shorter than I thought it was.