
Bingo.  It’s a variation on the “this woman just needs to bedded in order to become reasonable” line, only with his reproduction fetish thrown on top.

1. This is a post about the CEO of the most valuable car company on the planet.
2. Cars are political.

I can only imagine that Elon, as the son of a South African emerald mine owner, and expert in monetizing the genius of others and marketing it as his own, is deeply threatened by Taylor Swift - a Billionaire that has actually earned her money with her own hard work.

His creepiness has become so thick he could slice off pieces and sell them to his sycophantic followers.

While it’s totally not worth more than $1,000 even with a glow up. I do have a soft spot for econoboxes.

If we had listened to Jimmy Carter, worked on efficiency, occasionally put on a sweater when it got cold instead of jacking up the heat 50 years ago, instead of following reagan’s “fuck it, burn everything and crank the AC” policy and all the GOP policies of ignoring the climate ever since, can you imagine how much

Man...I love the idea of Cadillac being Cadillac again. Chasing the Germans on their own turf wasn’t the smart play. Big stylish land yachts is Cadillac. Let’s hope this works for them. I want the cornerless midwestern planes to be full of overpowered oversized, sedans that can store bodies in the trunk, sliding

Yeah came here to say the same thing, it just doesn’t look right.  It’s like a shooting brake design gone horribly wrong.

Same, but 48 year old me would just shrug and change the channel.

To me, it’s less sausage and more the epitome of the crossover “half-used bar of soap” design, except a little flatter and longer. But I think we agree on “unappealing.”

The Celestiq would work for me in a sedan config, that hatchback rear end is just weird. The Sollei is fantastic.

People who drop 100k+ on a novelty vehicle that gets 6mpg and then whine about a 2 cent increase in pump prices. Basically the most insufferable and exhausting type of person.

Who hires the pilots.

Too bad it didn’t get shot down.

You know the interior of that car reeks of cigarettes, McDonalds fries, and musty old man farts. One of those car interior cleaning YouTube channels is the only logical buyer for this stank ass old turd. 

That guy has a demonstrated history of making inaccurate projections on many things that are far simpler than putting humans on Mars.

That needs to be improved to $100k/ton to build a self-sustaining city there, so the technology needs to be 10,000 times better.

Get out the vote. Check your registration. Mail in ballots especially. Skeletor Scott is bragging about yanking some 16k voters from the rolls. 


Love this article! Here’s a couple of things to go down the rabbit hole on, based off of the slides: