
The most interesting thing about this listing is it reminded me of the Vert-A-Pac rail cars GM had designed and built for shipping these.

The indicated redline on the tach is hilarious.

Why are the neighbours “evil”? Evil is the guy with complete disregard for others that builds a race track where whiny tiny electric engines and tire noise turn the place into a mini-Monaco whenever the guy wants to have a practice. I have a neighbour that takes his kid on a country side back road next to my house in

Ford, like any other corporation, blindly follows the money, and they’ve always based their decisions on which group they alienate will cost them the least money. Interesting the ones bent on imposing their particular nasty vision, are the ones who have been moaning about “Cancel culture”

Fighting discrimination always seems like bigotry for those currently benefiting from it, no matter who it is.

Everyone loves to make fun of “protecting the local wetlands” until their neighborhood floods.

Or just get the damn permits

A neighbor built a dirt bike track in his back yard. My only concern is that the kids sometimes leave the track and end up in traffic, but it’s pretty slow there. Multiple neighbors try to raise chickens. Which is also pretty cool, until the Racoons eat them all, which is sort of sad. My wife runs a doggy day care

As a Howard County resident ya the county is very rules and permit based. One rule he broke and in not in the Change.com petition is the increase in imperviousness area. Stormwater is a big deal because Old Ellicott City has been washed away recently not once but twice. He has no storm treatment for that much

How about no. Real wood is fine, the fake stuff just looks awful.

I like it when the wear the red hats. Makes them REALLY easy to avoid. Same with businesses flying Trump flags. Narrowed down my choice of subcontractors for my new house considerably.

Also, the “confederate flag” that everyone flies nowadays wasn’t even one of the *three* national flags the Confederacy used during it’s *five* years of existence. It also wasn’t one of the many Army flags they used. It was the navy flag, and it was only used for about two years at that.

Do you even how DEI works at a company? Not a made up company in your brain, but used by actual corporations to manage employees?

Except that’s not what DEI is outside of Fox News talking points. Making people from different backgrounds feel included in the workplace is not “pandering.”

It’s always good when hateful assholes like you show yourselves.

You put that VERY well. I am unlikely to buy their products. I am REALLY unlikely to buy them NOW. 

I spent about a decade commuting at least 120 miles per day. While there may have been some confirmation bias, the cars that were always driving like total jerks were modern Mopar monsters. Sure, BMWs drove fast, Priuses drove slow, but the guy in the Challenger, Charger, or even the 300c was the one riding bumpers,

Giant jacked up pickups that are all but pristine.

There has been a solid push by right wing activists to go after DEI.  Boards and Execs are all republicans generally so the minute they thought they had cover, they did.  Rich White Men were never going to actually champion dei.  

It always struck me as weird to celebrate one’s connection with, not mere traitors, not even traitors who fought to continue enslaving other humans, but traitorous enslavers who got their asses kicked six ways from Sunday. You’re celebrating a bunch of losers, in every sense of the word.  Every time you see someone