
In my little section of West Alabama, whenever we have power outages following a massive storm, we offer the utility workers some food and drink while they work to show our appreciation. I’m serious. We usually have our power restored faster than everyone else.

Nothing to see here... just a bunch of Responsible Gun Owners doing Responsible Gun Owner things.  Move along!


Loathsome creatures.  Sons of the Confederacy.  Sons of traitors, sons of bitches.  

Yeah it’s clear pandering to their base, but they shot themselves in the foot when they introduced all of that basic math into it that their slack-jawed base can’t handle.

Friend, I am not “enjoying the water,” I would very much like to get out of this water.

Climate change does not give a flip if you believe it real or not. It’s happening at an accelerating rate. We are the proverbial frog in the pot, enjoying the water until it gets cooked. There are a portion of us that are taking this crisis seriously but a vast majority don’t like the hit in convenience and money it

1st Gear:

I’ll take my chances. I’m not going to overheat or be sweaty and gross for multiple hours just because of a small chance I’ll need to use the slide. If that happens, so be it.

Over and over again, the GOP is allowed to continually lower the bar for what would be considered reasonable behavior for someone elected to higher office. That we as a nation are seemingly about to re-elect an adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, habitual liar and incompetent businessman whose violent rhetoric and

2003 was the first year of full assimilation GM model. This one still has SAAB DNA.

entire flight we had passengers yelling and cursing at us because it was so hot

Same reason they say that voter fraud is rampant and then every time someone commits voter fraud, they’re found to be a Republican.

I mean, she’s a high school dropout, teen mom, and frequent arrestee who has made her ignorance a point of personal pride because it’s brought her fame. There is no such thing as shame or responsibility with her or those like her.

To everyone worried about the smell. Just put an Ozium inside for a couple days. The car will have ZERO smells of any kind after that. Been there, done that.

Low miles, the top goes down, AND a stick? Provided it's not rusty underneath (it's in NJ, after all), sign me up!!

It doesn’t sound like this is even about breach of contract in the first place. If it was that simple, he’d have sued them immediately. It’s not at all clear what crime is actually being alleged here because there’s nothing illegal about privately lobbying corporations to change their ad policies. It would only be

Worlds smartest man indeed.  /s

As a business proposition for a gimmick limo, well, a cosplay wedding where the groom has a Brylcreem-laden DA haircut and wears a white T-shirt with a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve probably doesn’t come up just any day, and prom season is short.

If I was to run this in a business, I would want this to have a more modern drivetrain - at least convert it to EFI. Too much chance of vapor lock or some other classic car malady to ruin a booking and get you flamed on Facebook