
I mean, it’s basically a brand new car that time-traveled, so it should have a pretty decent price attached. But north of $20k? That’s too far.

I have no clue on bike values but that thing is a peach.

How does he explain non-nuclear submarines that are basically giagantic banks of batteries?

So, so many car snobs on this site...and I have been guilty of it, too, throughout my life. But I had one of these for a rental when I was on assignment for about 10 months and I was quite impressed. It was a comfortable, nicely equipped, solidly built (yes, really!), nice handling, decently quick car. I wasn’t going

And this is why cars are usually poor investments long-term, as collectible goods to be bought and held onto in hopes that they’ll appreciate. Not only did the car sell for less than its original MSRP in real dollars, it failed to keep up with inflation. Had the original owner kept it all this time, they’d have needed

Pretty much everything that has come out of his mouth in the last 40 years should be indicative of this, but here we are..

Maximus, I think you should take the kid gloves off. Don’t sugar coat it, be brutally honest - tell us what you really think of old Donny Deepthoughts.

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

The University of Alabama says traveling near light speed is possible?

“At close to the speed of light”

Small, passing interactions while walking home from the train and when I bump into my neighbors are quite nice. If we had a better work-life balance, I think we would be more interested in having more friends and so on.

For CAFE, what they need to do is get rid of it and institute an across-the-board carbon tax on all carbonaceous fuels, in proportion to their carbon content, regardless of use, or what size vehicle it is, etc. You burn a gallon of gas, you pay a dollar. Why do you think European cars are so much more fuel-efficient

If you truly believe that, it’s probably for the best that you don’t go out. We don’t want to put up with you, either. 

Literally everything about religion is off putting. 

8 lane 45 MPH roadways that cut through cities certainly weren’t the norm for a lot of that time. The number of cars on the road, requirements for added parking, and number of paved lanes has continued to grow every year across the century. Our car-centric society may have just spent the last decade hitting a

Yeah, maybe the rise of social media as a means to form virtual networks/community is really the “significant” part of this. Not saying everyone is lazy, but before cheap cell phones you basically had to go out if you wanted any sort of interaction.  Ride a bike, make friends with cars, whatever your situation I don’t

Tesla even had the gull to try to say “it’s not about the money, Musk has enough. But we have to give him this in order to keep his attention on Tesla rather than his other businesses he’s running”.

if the fund actually asked the people of Norway then it would find “overwhelming support in favor.”

Bloody $
Looking at a list of the GDP of the countries of the world, it is higher than about 120 of them. More than the GDP of countries like Tunisia, Latvia, Estonia, Iceland.
And one person is supposed to get that as a pay package.
It is utter insanity. What a shit effing world we live in that that

First Gear: Nobody deserves $56B pay package. Especially not as Telsas continue to pile up unsold.