
I think I just read an article that answered this question...

It is (but probably shouldn’t be) astonishing to me what is happening with the billionaire class in the US right now. Economic inequality is the highest it’s been since before the Great Depression, we have a guy running for president who wants to INCREASE that inequality, and he is considering appointing a billionaire

Why anyone thinks Musk can deliver on AI after his floundering with FSD is beyond me. He’s proven himself to be the epitome of a mediocre white man failing upward, with zero consequences for being a bigoted, trash human being.

Eager to see ol’ Musky boy not get his way on this one.

It’s actually pretty hard to climb out of a river with banks that steep. Most trucks couldn’t do it. That being said, I don’t think a Wrangler would get washed downstream in this particular situation. One key difference between cars and trucks in rivers is cars sit so low the water hits their body, and thus exerts

I started to write a long rant about this thing, but not worth it.  Just No.  No Dice.

#2 You want an EV swapped Honda Beat.  I, for one, appreciate your taste.

Yeah that front end is...BAD, especially with the 100% likely non functional nostrils. Also considering the dealership is focusing mainly on their financing options I have a pretty good felling they are shady AF.  Not buy here pay here level of shady but damn close.

No sympathies for any of them. If you want to be on the front row at Idiotfest, have at ‘er.

The white really highlights what a pedestrian design this is. Not ugly, just dull. I don’t need a look-at-me car, but I’m thinking the typical Ferrari buyer does. ND.

They use literal slaves for every fucking thing they build. I guess you dont own any TV’s in your house. Do you have Plex? What do youi watch it off of because if it is Amazon fire stick, apple tv, chromecast, Roku? Is your media server have a seagate or western digital HDD? Is your NAS synology, or netgear, or Nvidia?

A 1981 Chevrolet Chevette Diesel with a manual transmission. No lie, I regret selling it. But not for the reasons you would think. I purchased it as a poor college student in 1988. I sold it in 1990 after replacing more parts that I can remember. When the fuel pump began giving me trouble, I let it go and bought a

We’re buying things for everything else in our lives made there. If they pass all the required safety tests, is it going to be worse quality than what we are seeing from the available offerings now?

1st Gear: I’ll be turning 45 and I’d look into getting a Chinese car if they were available. Competition is good, if you want a protectionist economy, look at Brazil and look at how expensive vehicles or even electronics over there are. The other thing, this reminds me of older people that wouldn’t buy Japanese cars

more like “I want to enjoy everything about society without contributing to it”

Well by their own definition, they’re technically illegal aliens. So it should be handled by customs and border protection... and we all know that they are very patient and you have so many rights under that. lol

Thats such the root of so many of societies issues.  That people dont want to be a damn society anymore.  Entitled assholes everywhere.

“I’m sorry officer, I was on my way to Assholeville in the republican of Dumbfuckistan and wasn’t aware that the concept of “laws” applied to me.”

I’d love to see them band together and attempt their own utopian paradise of libertarianism and anarchy. Let’s give ‘em Oklahoma, then put an enormous fence around it.

Until big portions of this country stop taking pride in being big fucking assholes, we’re all in trouble.