
NP, kid probably wanted a BroDozer. It’s a bit rough but nothing some detailing and elbow grease can’t fix. Should have plenty of miles/smiles left. So it’s an automatic; California traffic will make you a believer. Want a track car? Buy one.

The truest assessment of character is how someone treats people he views as beneath him.

Look, I have a very big airplane and the runways at these airports are so small. Why are they so small? My plane is very big and important. They shouldn’t allow small planes to be illegally parked on the side. They should ban these tiny planes, see how small they are? My pilot was perfectly following the law and this

Sigh.... If only something like that happened in the air.... with him in it.

Elon has gone full Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University, etc. The grift never ends because there’s a sucker born every minute.

This feels like an April Fools joke. A hammer that is useless as a hammer- a literal useless tool- associated with a useless tool, sold by a useless tool, to useless tools. It’s a Tesla metaphor turducken.

Such a stable genius....

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess anyone who owns a cybertruck does not own any kind of hammer larger than one that comes in one of those cheap Home Depot all-in-one tool kits, and has not nor will not have any use for a heavy sledge hammer.

If you’re looking for the definition of “fustercluck”, here we are.

I check one big bag every time I go on a major trip and I have yet to have any kind of trouble. I don’t need to worry about fighting with overhead space, so I’m not in any rush to board. I don’t need to tiny-size my toiletries, I can just throw them in the checked bag. I don’t know why this is a big deal for people.

Now that seller has it just the way THEY want it - they can fucking KEEP IT. ND.

Seriously. There was a house near me that had mostly burned down and it sold for $250,000.

“That vehicle was completely unmarked. In my mind this was not good, right?”

“I served 31 years, I was an Army doctor, I trained as a Navy flight surgeon, I served with the 7th Special Forces Group, I served with the 160th. I served six tours.”

“That vehicle was completely unmarked. In my mind this was not good, right?”

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

That person is not respecting flag code in the US. Probably wears a red, white and blue speedo as well. Nothing says America like a banana hammock. 

Nobody in their right mind would go to work for Tesla. Which means their quality is about to fall off a cliff as well.

The problem with firing Musk is who do you replace him with?

They will get better when they fire Musk. Since that’s not going to happen, this whole thing is going to be lather rinse repeat for a while.