
SW FL. Every guy 18-45 seems to need a jacked up 4x4, F250-or better with a diesel, to take his brood to Walmart or the nearest fast food drive through. And don’t forget all those LED lights on the bumper, the undercarriage and even the wheel hubs — you gotta be unique, just like everyone else.

Like I get it, you miss every shot you don’t take. I can see putting it out there on BAT for a crazy price and seeing if someone bites.

Lapped the field at Indy except 2nd place because he was being nice.
Has that ever happened before/after?

You know, we are overdue for a tar & feathering..

He shouldn’t be hard to find with the three gauge-shaped bruises down the left side of his face.

Apparently Optimus was close with a bunch of the Supercharger folks...

If he had stepped down a while ago, definitely. If he steps down a few months from now, there will likely not be enough experienced people left for new leadership to take over and make it better. Whether they’ve already crossed that line is a little hazy for now. Meanwhile, this whole dumpsterfire will be terrific

This is the greatest scam the wealthy have pulled on the working class here in America- Unions (which would protect them from unscrupulous bosses) are bad, Universal healthcare (which would allow them to have decent healthcare if they got fired or if they work part time or as contract workers) is socialist nonsense

I dream of a new automotive industry conglomerate, made up of others’ castoffs: Saturn-Saab-Spyker-Fisker

Layoff-happy CEOs genuinely don’t seem to understand that the people who leave on their own in these situations are not the deadwood, it’s the people who will have the easiest time finding another job. And that’s generally better employees. The deadwood holds on to their jobs like grim death.

I would imagine all of the real talent is polishing resumes and looking elsewhere. Plenty of opportunities with competitors. 

“We need some level of closure or a sign that we can stop worrying about losing our jobs.”

...carelessness an insurance job

Back in the day yo...

I’m always a bit bothered by the “investment” argument. Unless you get struck by lightning and buy something like a Ferrari GTO before its massive runup, most cars, even collector cars, go up far slower than the market. As an investment, even very collectible cars will (usually) make you less money than just putting

Why oh why do I like this thing so much? I never even conceived of the possibility that someone would lift one of these eyesore. But now someone has, and it looks pretty darn good to me. I can see someone buying it for a price close to what they're askong.

““While operating the wing, I chose the wrong function on my control panel, which caused our boat to flip. It was very scary and I’m thankful all my teammates are safe.””

Picture of Victor Diaz de Leon:

The only one I have seen in SW FL has a gaudy wrap advertising a dental practice. And it never moves, just parked on the lawn of the practice. Seems oddly appropriate.

There once was a man from Nantucket