
American Hitler was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (as he apparently took $400M of the old man’s money to create his assets) and would never have served his country. Other than those two aspects of the pathological liar, the parallels between him and Hitler 1.0 make me feel like I’m in 1938 Germany as the

He’s not “just a person”, he’s the guy that wants to end democracy in America and everyone knows it. That some people are ok with that doesn’t matter, he’s a fucking piece of shit, period.

The issue here is not even political. They welcomed an individual that is under indictment for a litany of crimes, has been found liable for rape and promulgated an insurrection, attempted a coup, attempts to undermine our basic democratic institutions, cronyism, tax evasion, fraud. He defames people, lies repeatedly,

Just depends n your point of view. I’m sure Tesla is not selling them at a loss with the larger battery, but if it didn’t cost more to put a smaller battery pack in the lower trim car, you can bet Tesla would just sell the lower trim with the smaller battery at the same price. So from that perspective you’re getting

A sedan version filtered down to me from within the family. I think they just figured I was the ideal owner, as I have mechanic skills and live near a bus stop. Around 100,000 miles, it was already sloshing toward the drain end of the bathtub curve. Too many parts were designed with excess cleverness and then built

Dodge is planning the same thing for the Charger EV’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 kits for (smirk!) “adding” more horsepower to the vehicle.

Yeah but this isnt a “Jag” Jag. It is a Ford Mondeo with with Jag plastic surgery. It has Ford electricals, a Duratec V6 engine with VVT, and a transmission found in jetta’s golf’s the Mazda MVP.

And it’s gone. ND for me, as it looks to be down at least one life already from whatever happened to the front clip. Holy mismatched paint, Catman!

Play stupid games, win big prizes. I have zero sympathy for the ATV - they brought this upon themselves.

If you were going too fast to avoid a stopped car, you were going too fast to avoid a pedestrian. I’m good with this one.

I wonder if Musk woke up and thought (what is the most dickish thing I can do today?”

That’s a quick hell-to-the-no. Between the tacky sticker package, those wheels, and the Pep Boys seat covers, this is a very easy ND.

This is fraudulent behavior. So much for the private sector getting stuff done.

SMDH. The only answer should be a 2018-2022 Accord 2.0T

I agree that there are better ways to get the same GM-quality interior with similar looks at a much cheaper price:

I highly doubt they did anything the lower the compression on the motor before they put on the blower. That engine is a serious nightmare for major repair/replacement and the supercharger would no doubt shorten its lifespan.  The addition of the blower makes the car worthless to me. It is the “other peoples mod”

My least favorite car on NPOND: the high-end Germanmobile that’s got some years on it—one of those cars where if something goes kerblooey, your credit card is gonna melt from the swiping it’ll take to fix it.

A boating blog showed photos of a supposed Snapchat conversation between two of the passengers. Apparently they’re all students at some local prep school and didn’t want to get caught by the cops for underage drinking, but of course now they’re freaking out. Don’t fuck with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Co

People are pigs.

Legal or not, that thing is amazing.