
I nearly walked on my GR86 order earlier this year because the dealer wanted me to sign a similar clause right at delivery - of which I would have been way less recalcitrant if I was financing through the dealer/manufacturer. When the funds come from elsewhere the dealer can choose either “no sale” or “no parlay

Collective action is an amazing thing.

I like it, but I’d like it way more at $18K-$20K. Unfortunately, ND, for me.

They couldn’t even be bothered to make Gladiator specific rear doors for the Gladiator; are they really going to give it the attention it needs to be a Ram/Dodge and not just a slightly different looking Gladiator?  If Gladiators aren’t selling very well, what are they going to do to make the Ram version sell any

I hate when people say I drive a gas car. It’s just a car, like 99% of the other cars on the road. Those stupid electric cars have ruined everything, why do I have to say my car is gas?”

It’s amazing how many stickers there are that denote such a specific type of asshole.

Worked for "Santorum"

cis just means you are not transgender. That’s all it means. It’s not any kind of perjorative. It’s not like say, ‘breeders’ which gay people sometimes called straight people in the past. That one was a slur. Cisgender is just straightforward scientific classification.

Not to victim blame, but I’d love to know what percent of the deaths increased because of people having absolutely no idea how to exist on the road with semis and/or good old distracted driving. I see people blindly pull in front of semis all the time, assuming a 30 ton semi can stop in the same amount of time as a

Tailgating Chevy pick up trucks filled with angry white men with a baseball cap, goatee, camo sweatshirt and entitled attitude.

If you peak in high school the long slogging slide downhill until you die of old age is hell.

Everyone who bitches and moans about people trying to come to this country should be slapped upside the head with that plaque.

I mean, it seems like the one big differentiator between this and crap DeSantis was pulling is that one of them was clearly just a publicity stunt to rile people up.

What if we went full depression era here, and created a new city on federal land, and set the residents to work on government projects?

As a motorcyclist on a higher bike (FJ-09), I’m afforded the ability to see into many of the cars that I’m next to or passing.

Driving without headlights on. I live in Vermont, it’s mostly gray, dreary, and earth-toned in the atmosphere. As both a driver and frequent pedestrian, simply having headlights illuminated even in relatively clear conditions makes a world of difference. And it’s so easy to do! Just turn the knob after you start the

I’m currently on the East coast. If I were near Sacramento, I’d be already on my way to check it out with check/cash/wire etc... in hand. I’ve got grandkids coming up on driving age and they’re properly indoctrinated in weird courtesy of papa.

Holy cow. Relatively low miles, a six-speed and what the heck money in 2023 dollars. A CVT would have been an immediate no but the manual is very appealing.

It’s too bad they weren’t still 33,000 feet above sea-level when it happened.

Dollars to donuts anyone who is offended by the term “cisgender” has used the word “woke” pejoratively.