thanks for the link!
thanks for the link!
Scammers gonna Scam. I mean really, is anyone shocked by this?
Clearly HP need varies by vehicle; 140 hp in a Civic is fine but useless in an F250. So I say the ideal power goal is one that gets the vehicle from 0-60 in about 6.5-7.0 seconds. That’s plenty fast for everyday driving and merging onto a highway.
It’s interesting, but not $35K interesting. Looking at that kinda hacked luggage area cover with the speakers and the plain and simple dash I get the feeling this isn’t too terribly enjoyable to drive, either. It just screams economy car, not dynamic Bravarian experience. ND.
I suggested that when they were soliciting input, but I guess my argument wasn’t strong enough. I also suggested the CRX. No love for the affordable, zippy 2-seaters!
What’s the over/under on this thing making it back to earth? I heard that assuming it comes back in one piece Boeing intends to repair it and reuse it. Like space travel isn’t risky enough...
Easy Nice Price. This is a great comfy, under the radar cruiser from the days when the owner could brag about how many bodies you could fit in the trunk.
Respectfully, this really seems more like a Florida story. You sure you have the location correct?
Me too - a blue voter stuck in a red hellscape. I think there are actually a fair number of us but we tend to keep quiet as you just can’t argue with the morons — it’s like a real-life game of whack-a-mole except, unfortunately, you can’t use real hammers. I just keep hoping that people will start to wise up before…
When I was 11 I built plastic model kits that came out looking better than this... thing. ND.
This is the thing: we’re just one or two generations of batteries away from units that will be, say, 50% more efficient (or greater), cheaper and more eco-friendly to make, and lighter, too. No, these first EVs aren’t for everyone. But imagine in 10 years an EV that could go 1000 miles on a charge... will people still…
Oh dear lord, no. At $25K this seller needs to advertise to masochists, not auto enthusiasts.
First gear — Towing someone’s car like that seems like serious overreach. I mean, you can’t compel a human witness to testify even if they were right there at the scene, so taking someone’s car seems like a huge violation. I mean, sure — ask the owner for the footage, and get a warrant if needed, but people also have…
They were pretty sharp and distinctive for their time -- I fully admit that I liked them, thought they didn’t have any noteworthy performance to back up the looks.
Every Audi SUV looks the same to me. And as for their cars, you could park an A4 in front of me and I probably couldn’t tell you if it was 12 years old or brand new. they used to be such iconic cars back around 2000; now they’re just unremarkable in every way.
These Bullet edition cars always struck me as a half-hearted attempt to corral a few Boomer purchasers, and they just don’t seem all that special to me. Not worth the premium, and not the generation of Mustang I’d seek out if I really wanted a pony car. ND.
I think the point everyone is missing is that this is all a “cool dad vs. angry neighbors” until some kid gets killed or paralyzed in a cart-wreck and then the city, county and state are on the receiving end of huge lawsuits for letting an unsanctioned race track exist. That’s why things like this need permits.