
Your “it was a long time ago” excuse ignores the unethical manipulation of the host selection process as executive producer. On top of that, he has a history of sexual harassment and discrimination allegations. This pattern of abusing his power over the years disqualifies him from the executive producer role.

It’s not just the podcast stuff (although that’s what’s making the most headlines). He also took sketchy covid loans for his “consulting” business, was part of multiple lawsuits about creating a hostile and sexist work environment on Wheel of Fortune, oh yeah, and he asked his 2 female subordinates on his podcase if

He should be allowed to get jobs. But this particular average white guy isn’t entitled to any of these specific jobs. And probably doesn’t deserve them, relative to his competition.

At what point are we as a society going to allow people to change and grow?

I live south of Roosevelt.

I’m not saying these aren’t a thing, but I’ve lived in Chicago for 53 years and never heard of them.

Actual quote from Balloon Teen: “I haven’t thought about anything, maybe I should.”

Petchesky was just canned, unbelievable.

I take some shit from family when I rock the sleeveless look at the beach, but even I can manage to put on a button-down if Good Morning America is interviewing me!

How great would it be if the other blogs all started covering sports today?

The “gentleman” doth protest too much, methinks ...

Deadspin usually has sports?

I’m sure you already know this and probably intended it, but I just figured out that this is actually funnier if you post it on every post.

As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl

These dogs are most certainly more deserving of human compassion and love than say, Jim Spanfeller (who by the way, if you didn’t know, has an email address: jim@g-omedia.com). That stain deserves to hear why a dog is more noble and deserving of human love and affection than he is.

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

(while I’m making rules, if you’re requiring people to wear heels you want to continue to participate in society without being branded as a pariah, you are not allowed to have a cash bar)

I feel like venture capitalists would consider theft a sport, right?

I will always stick with my Fidelity Investments card because the rewards are so simple. 2% cash back on every purchase with no limit and no annual fee. Then I just have that cash back automatically deposited in my daughter’s 529 fund. Prior to that it went into my brokerage account. I would say with reasonable

The original is better