
I get why you would think that, but consider the situation. I should disclose here that I used to be a deputy.

I don’t know about the judge, but I’m confident that those court bailiffs are totally sympathetic to the father and are probably treating him like a king during whatever detainment he has.

First, there is no doubt he has been helping his daughters for a long time. Second, I would think his daughters understand/appreciate what their dad did today. And if not now, certainly in the future. Third, it is highly doubtful any charges wouldn’t be brought down to almost nothing by any reasonable (aka breathing,


“I know we are a nation of laws, and this is a very serious and almost sacred process of deciding how to mete out punishment...but what the guy did was bad, so YOLO, you know? Free shots for everybody.”- No judge who wants to keep their job.

Lol what? That’s bonkers. Given the circumstances there’s no way this dude is getting hit hard for this.

They’ll probably throw some flimsy assault charge at him that won’t get enforced. Might spend a couple hours in custody.

Rookie mistake. You gotta wait till they’re escorting him out or when he’s got to stand during sentencing and then leap and get your one shot in.

What an annoying little kissant.

This screws over a lot of legitimate YouTubers...

-Random guy is moderatly famous for being a dumbass.

BREAKING NEWS: Youtube personalty realizes that person’s suicide was about him all along. Solves inner conflict of how the world appeared not to revolve around him by discovery it does actually still revolve around him. Comes to further conclusions that it is also just his world and everyone else happens to live in

Andy is like the archetypal grinning sociopath to me. The way he runs behind the scenes on those shows but refuses to really comment on the stars in a negative way is creepy in the extreme. It seems like being friends with him would be exhausting for anyone but a manipulative control freak who enjoys being in a

I don’t believe anyone who is close friends with Andy Cohen is a nice person.

I feel like SJP is the woman who just always has to be friends with everyone and needs to be liked...she wants to talk to you about her personal life and personal problems after knowing you for two weeks and she doesn’t understand when others don’t have that same enthusiasm for sharing their lives.

I’m not trying to invalidate SJP’s feelings, but this isn’t even the first time that I’ve heard the girls from Sex and The City weren’t friends. That’s been a thing for a lot of years especially the rumor that her and Kim aren’t really close. No one wants this movie and I don’t know why they just won’t let it die.


I only liked the show the first two seasons, but then it got stupid.

Damn SJP plays that wolf is sheep’s clothing well! She spent years trashing, taking away money from and creating terrible storylines for Samantha and now she is heartbroken Kim Cattrell said they were never friends. I have to side-eye SJP to oblivion because her history of being with terrible men, being bff with this