Flop Phone

Yes, but San Diegan’s won’t care. They won; he lost. Hopefully this will grow a spine in other cities with professional sports teams.

As long as the Cowboys lose, we all win. I don’t care how they get there.

I’d call Jerry two-faced, but let’s be honest, he must be on this seventh or eighth face by now.

I posited this exact theory last week. In said theory, Prescott will continue his slump for the final games, and maybe have another stinker a la the Giants game. Dallas overreacts and puts rusty Romo in for the playoff game. Romo sucks due to rust, and they panic and put in Prescott, who is also off his rhythm and now

Good that a University is suspending people for not acting if they knew what was happening.

As opposed to the legal sex stuff with minors, which would be ok?

According to his firm bio, the players’ attorney also repped Kris Humphries in his Kardashian divorce. I don’t know where this fits, but there’s a joke here somewhere.

My first thought:

First the DOE doesn’t give Drumpf the names of global warming proponents for him to fire or bury, and now this. This has been a good day seeing people eat shit who badly deserve it.

Speaking as a resident of Sacramento... thank you, Deadspin, for helping rid us of this disgraceful piece of shit!

Wait, hold up, lets back track here...

Overstayed his welcome. And did illegal sex stuff with minors. Good riddance.

No, because he literally would walk through his route

I would argue that letting teams artificially control the cost of foreign labor in the new CBA is essentially giving away even the idea that the draft should be illegal and done away with, that the union is fine w/ ownership having even greater control over labor costs. 

When he wanted to be.

I think he could go 8-8 or 9-7 with The Pats.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

And something Randy Moss doesn’t get enough credit for. Like, sure he was tall and fast and could catch anything you threw at him, but he was smart as hell.

“Challenge accepted”

This stuff is supposed to stay over there at Eastern.