Flop Phone

I had to leave the Portland Trail Blazers forum I liked to frequent because half of the posters there are basically Stormfront readers.

So this explains Trump’s hostility towards China, I guess.

Shit, Michigan football is Serie A’s business now.

Someone better make damn sure those players don’t get paid, though. That would make a mockery of the whole thing.

Just thinking about the hassle of getting passports for that many college-aged men...

Is it customary to serve milk cold or at room temperature in Italy?

Welp, gerrymandering and vote suppression are two reasons.

They hated politicians so much that exactly 7 House incumbents lost to people from the opposite parties (6 R, 1 D).

Most of the people with degrees from Arizona know the feeling of being fucked.

Back in the bad old days when massacres were carried out in order to steal some money.

Not too long ago, seeing athletes take part in political protests would have felt like an anomaly

Trump’s approval ratings have gone through the floor like Bush II’s after Katrina. Aside from the hardcore ~27% of American who will vote for any bucket of horseshit with an (R) after its name no matter what, I think a lot of undecideds/ moderates decided to roll the dice, assuming he couldn’t/ wouldn’t be as bad as

What do we think the odds are of various championship teams declining WH invitations over the next few years en masse?

Cruz is THAT guy that yells “and 1" at the top of his lungs EVERY time he shoots -before the shot has even left his hands.

I don’t have photos, but within a month you will be writing about how Cruz’s behavior at these games, which I’m sure involves copious elbows, calling a foul every time someone breathes on him, and jacking up a shot every time he gets the ball, has made him the most hated man in Washington.

If only he would stick to sports...

Now there’s a man who can really take it to the ring.

Equality is a Team Sport