Flop Phone

If Carson or DeVos can head a cabinet, Kerr can be a U.S. Rep at the very least. KJ was the mayor of California’s capitol ferchrissakes.

“Magic” also describes the method by which the president will be implementing all of the policies he promised.

Exactly. The “stick to sports” idiots are looking for a place where they don’t have to face the reality of what they’ve done.

I think they’ll just start shitting on the athletic figures.

Exactly what I was thinking. If this is something the normal elite media Twitter bubble is tittering about, Trump’s people really don’t give a shit at all. “Let them mock us,” Bannon must be thinking. But if this becomes a meme in the broader popular culture that everyone jokes about — how blatantly and stupidly they

Donald Trump is rooting for the Pats. John Lewis is a Falcons fan. That is all.

Sadly, I suspect Donald Trump is impervious to a potential Falcons victory. The tweet would simply go, ”Congratulations to Atlanta, unbelievable organization & city! Art Blank is a close friend. Tom Brady is still a champion.”

False. You’re assuming Trump cares about anything other than himself.

What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS

“There were no ‘Where is Roger’ chants during the Steelers dominating victory last night, period.” #SpicerFacts

Trump’s an ass. I get more pissed off every time Wolf Blitzer has that clown on his show, if people would stop giving him attention, he might go away, but honestly we’re probably not that lucky.

Can’t wait for Curt’s inevitable confirmation as head memer of the US Department of Truthiness.

What this blog does not take into account is the possibility that the real Sidney Ponson, completely unprompted, decided to DM Tom “Hillary did benghazi.”

Schilling’s an ass. I get more pissed off every time Dan Patrick has that clown on his show, if people would stop giving him attention, he might go away, but honestly we’re probably not that lucky.

To be fair, what’s fighting another straw man to Curt?

MABA: Make America Bane Again

Mark Hamill has read some of his tweets as the Joker... so, you’re not far off?

I’ve been saying for months that Trump is literally a comic book villain.

If you played a decade in the NFL, youd probably walk a little hobbled too. Thats the gait of someone whos probably had half a dozen surgeries in his knee and legs for various injuries over the years...

Wow, how did that kid get ahold of Trump’s speech?!