Flop Phone

Surprised there are that many on there. Usually they follow the NFL or college football and say they don’t watch basketball because they don’t play “team ball.” “Team ball” of course being codeword for: “too many black players.”

...but not as hard as having a degree from ASU.

outcoached Alford

Tim Thomas a goaltender for the Bruins boycotted Obama. Marshawn Lynch didn’t go but it wasn’t politically motivated.

Definitely the NBA. NFL? That will be interesting. MLB and NHL, count on them.

It was always kind of weird how in US sports we’re all about drafts and salary caps while Europe it’s hardcore capitalism in their sports (no caps, no drafts).

Thank you Captain Hindsight!

but man is he going to DO it.

Who cares anymore? The days of acting like adults are out the door. Let the hate flow (it’s a powerful drug, just ask conservatives). The difference between us and conservatives is our hate is based on logical thinking.

I would wager the majority of sports fans are conservative-leaning. After all, it presents the world in absolutes (us against them) when in truth everything is shades of gray.

Yeah, crying plagiarism strengthens the opposition. Please don’t put a photo of yourself on your avatar.

The guy just he plagiarized 5 words so he answered his own question.

“back to you... the people”?

To channel Glenn Beck: “I’m not saying that bloody sock Schilling wore in the 2004 playoffs was fake and was ketchup. I’m just saying it could be and we don’t have definitive proof it wasn’t. I’m just asking questions.”

Aw, Sidney Ponson. He was like the Ryan Fitzpatrick of his time. Every time he pitched, announcers felt the need to mentioned that he was Knighted by the Queen of the Netherlands. He was also notable because he and Sid Fernandez were on the same pitching staff (both would have been better off with the Yankees and

Definitely ECW since the gym looks like it’s a high school gym (I realize it’s a college game though).

blackmail based

You’re right, I was just looking at it from purely economic terms. Having said that, a lot of Trump have that same mentality (economically they fucked themselves over immensely, but hey, he brought back “White Pride.”).

I thought the voters didn’t want PED users in? I guess with Bagwell going in, that isn’t the case anymore. Put in Bonds and Clemens.

I agree totally, I think it’s just an excuse for his failure to cope and/or live up to the pressure.