Flop Phone

I say he should go with the Chargers. At least they have a decent QB.

No, it won’t but you know how obsessive coaches are over “bulletin board material.”

I’m guessing this is in Wisconsin?

Note I don’t hate unions as you claim. I simply don’t think it jives with a system where some “great” employees get plucked by management to get paid a lot more money than others. That’s all.

If you want to treat teaching like a highly paid profession, like other white collar jobs that do wel in this economy... you’ll note that virtually none of them are unionized. And none will be any time soon. So that’s where that comes from.

You do realize most jobs pay on a seniority/title scale. The nature of the union is to make sure worker’s have protection.

I agree, there is part of me that goes: “at least they’re just a football coach, not like they’re running the country.”

This guy talks about unions being a problem because he’s one of those conservatives being fed these anti-union lines. The real reason conservatives hate unions (other than big business being on their side) is political. Unions can donate unlimited funds like big business. It’s why they’ve been systematically targeted

Sounds like the problem is leadership at that school.

Throwing money at the problem? In education?

Let me ask you this: how would base “merits?” Test scores? Let’s face it, all studies indicate that test scores are indicative of socio-economic status. So basically if you did that (like we are doing), you would drive out teachers from low income areas.

I work as a teacher in a low income area. I realize there are challenges (and like I mentioned, there are kids and parents who probably don’t care but you find that in almost any field). My point is, if you start taking the attitude that they don’t want to learn (believe me, it happened to me), it becomes

Teacher leave because the kids don’t give a fuck and neither do the parents

Taking other people’s money is the easiest solution to solving problems.

Whatever his life’s work was, it’s over! It’s done!

So Allen just watched Trump shine Vladimir Putin’s shoes?

At least with Trump, he’s transparent. Pence is a snake in the grass (a la Scott Walker or Paul Ryan).

It got off to a rocky start (no pun intended) for Johnson after he started with the Mummy Returns and Scorpion King. It looked like a Hulk Hogan-career in movies but he found his niche and became a mega-star.

This falls under the morality clause. It was used to keep Orlando Cepeda out of the HOF for a long time.

Financial aid is different than a scholarship.