Bolivia Newton John

I’m using it to piss on your leg.

Considering that Cain, at least to biblical scholars, is the embodiment of evil, its good to see that Scoochy Moochy is being honest about his intentions.

Kushner isn’t Agnew. He isn’t Kissinger, and he sure as hell isn’t Deepthroat.

Because you don’t want to die?

None of us will be around to gauge his reaction.

The youts (or is it yutes?) don’t have a say in the matter. It’s the olds that are too dumb to do anything productive.

So if she vaguely supports something, he father will do the opposite?

I dunno, Teddy Roosevelt was pretty cool. When he promised to break up trusts and monopolies, he broke up trusts and monopolies. When he threatened to kill wild animals, he killed wild animals.

While this may have led to some changes in the personnel of the Minneapolis Police Department, ultimately the police and their supports will chalk this up as a black guy shooting a white woman. Reactionaries will in turn spin this to show that police violence is not racially motivated, use this as an example to shout

Casey Affleck

I’m still waiting for a Jon Stewart style supercut of Trump saying one thing immediately followed by a soundbyte of him saying the opposite. When it gets made, I swear I will rent every video billboard south of the Mason-Dixon Line and play it on an infinite loop.

Given the vitrol Trump has reserved for his former opponent, what’s going to happen once the Dems select a nominee in 2020? Instead of actively calling for the candidate’s arrest, will he actually go through with it?

I for one (re) welcome our new (same) wooden, pointy overlords

This sign is a egregious misrepresentation of the Twin Cities PD. When they get startled, they don’t indiscriminately shoot innocents, they aim first.

It’s kind of hard to rob a corpse when the corpse already gave you his/her life savings to get on the truck in the first place. Getting smuggled across the border is not cheap, and often requires families to mortgage their homes or take out disfavorable loans for a chance that a family member will be able to send

So he’s qualified to be president because he can sink free throws?

It’s all good man. I should’ve been more clear

I wasn’t accusing the individual agents of hypocrisy. I was accusing the agency itself of hypocrisy.

Jorge is adding nuance to the story. On one hand, you’re right, ICE is not a rampant army of Caucasian KKK members bent on racially purifying a country they think belongs to them. On the other hand, you can’t account for how many of these agents may have been born from undocumented parents or have undocumented

You’re assuming that he’s capable of rational thought