Ph.D in 'tang

Let’s not be too quick to judge Ms. DeVos. Maybe her plan was to meet with three people, then each of those people would meet with three more people, and so on and so on.

The correct answer. Summer olympics is just televised PE from grade school. Winter olympics has cool shit I want to see/do

Seriously. The Winter Olympics is way more fun and more beautiful to look at than the Summer Olympics.

I dissent:

Aw. Prayers up for you, buddy.

“Just drink less.”

This is the dumbest take I have ever read, and I can only assume it was sarcastic.

Does that guy’s thumb look weird to anyone else? Like it seems oddly long or something.

he pleads not ghillie.

He probably had bumpers installed in the WH bowling alley.

The over/ulna of such jokes was 64 (bones in arm).

Tibia honest, I didn’t think of it.

Careful now or they’ll send you to one of those FEMUR detention camps

Clearly you are attempting to be humerus in your description of The President of the United States.

Quaid........start...the reactor....


In Kentucky people normally take advantage of sleepy Cousins.

Ball Durham

A sleaze of their own

Field of Peens