
I’m guessing the idea is that it will keep them from drinking while driving.

Legal acceptance of lane-splitting will also beget mass awareness and improve safety.

I’d rip on Carl for the grammar, but I’m sure he knows a lot more English than I know Russian.

As a black man living in America, I feel the NFL protests appropriately draw attention to one of America’s gravest race-based sins at a venue that makes it uncomfortably difficult for those either apathetic to or complicit in it to ignore.

It’s that many people are increasingly frustrated by the fact that they are expected to offer blind fealty to the military post-9/11.

I think it’s more about the intentional misrepresentation of why the NFL players are doing/saying what they are that is causing the response. It has *never* been about the military, or the flag, at any point since Kaep first took a knee during a preseason game in 2016, and everyone knows that by now, whether they’re

Someone needs to remind these clowns that the protests have nothing to do with them, and that the flag is not specifically about the military.

You are a bad driver. Use the damn signal to show that you want and are going to move over.

Cyclists should not be allowed in lanes with cars. It is idiotic and dangerous that they do this or are even allowed to do this, not to mention the fact they’re not paying registration to be there. There are bike lanes for a reason, use them, (and stay within the lane)!

And they’re not suddenly a pedestrian when it suits them.

Exactly. Holding up a line of 20 cars to let one car go is not about being polite. It’s about stroking one’s own ego and saying “oh what a good girl/boy am I.”

Cyclist: “I may be on a bicycle but i have every right to share the road with you!”

Motorist: “Correct, now start following the goddamn laws. Stop at lights/signs, signal lane changes, etc.”

Cyclist: “I have to conserve momentum!”

Motorist: “Fuck you, you’re on a bicycle for exercise, changing your momentum is good for

A good place to start would be talking to known racist piece of shit Matthew Heimbach - clearly visible in the video.

Your entire post is absurd. “Why didn’t this suicidal 12 year old consider the logical repercussions of their actions?!” Because they’re a suicidal 12 year old ass.

My answer has been for years now “For the same reason I can call my sister a shrill bitch and you can’t.”

Other countries manage to have free societies while restricting public displays of Nazism. Of course, other countries manage to remain free and peaceful while restricting access to firearms, too. If the guns aren’t keeping the Nazis in check, I say we get rid of both of them.

Now playing

Okay, I’m going to share a scary story— really more of a scary fact of my life, past, present, and future, than a single story— that only about eight people on the planet know fully about, one of which is no longer with us, making the grand total seven. And now you will know, too, random internet person! I’ve created

No, it wouldn’t. What you’re doing here is casting doubt on these allegations being true in any case and concomitantly undermining the point of the article. The point is that police brutality and harassment is very real, and articles about how to protect oneself from the police are important and necessary. This

Red duck? Green duck? Grand duck? C’mon. Don’t complicate things. Bradford is struggling enough with this offense as it is.

Maybe her dumb kid just literally doesn’t know what the term “racial slur” means. You know there’s a reason she didn’t ask flat out if he said what it was reported he said.