
Oh, my mistake. I must have missed the sports that Overwatch, Counterstrike, etc, are “mimicking.”

I can understand why “e-sports” players and marketing people try to push that angle, but I can’t figure out why Deadspin falls for it. And this is coming from a nerdy IT guy who plays video games daily and recently had to learn how to throw a football from YouTube.

Manufacturers didn’t fix this so much as they found another common part with no problems to improve. About the time this problem started to disappear, we got crystal clear headlight lenses that turn foggy white if your car spends more than five minutes a day in the sun. I can see the Most Embarrassing Automotive

Wow, you’ve disproven the entire story by nitpicking an off hand joke at the end. Way to go, random internet detective!

Well, yeah, apparently - it’s their goal in pretty much everything they do, right?

None of us here at The Root are sitting around waiting for a story about Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton to surface so that we can bash either candidate.

Yes, their “personal political cause” of please stop letting police kill black people with no repercussions. Pretty much the same as wanting a fucking McRib.

I’m from Texas, too, and it’s taken me a long time to come to grips with the difference between the impression I had of people growing up and who those same people have revealed themselves to be as adults. In both my hometown and Brentwood, I doubt many people would put on white polos and khakis and go marching with

You do realize that DC is not Nashville, right? There weren’t dozens of riot cops around to corral and arrest these losers while this was happening. This place is less than a mile from I-65. It would have taken about two minutes for the attackers to get on the highway, about twenty minutes at most to get out of the

That’s Brentwood for you. It’s the rich part of greater Nashville and deeply, deeply red. It’s also superficial as hell. It’s a safe bet that a lot of people there would condemn these losers for making a scene in public rather than for their message.

But if you can’t see because you’re between two massive SUVs/pickups (as noted in the original), you don’t know whether the other car was already coming by or not.

I just want to know when I get to use public streets for one of my hobbies. Or maybe I’ll save some money by driving a lawnmower to work, rather than buying a new car. I have a right to use the road, after all.

Jesus, yes. Around here lately UPS and FedEx have taken to blocking a lane on two lane roads whenever they feel like it to leisurely stroll up to a house to deliver a package, even when the house has a perfectly usable driveway. I’m talking just blocking an entire direction of traffic in the middle of rush hour on

This is bullshit. Expecting others to “read my body language,” AKA read your damn mind, is asinine. I don’t know how many times I’ve been driving along behind another car with some asshole in the next lane over slightly ahead of me giving no signal at all who gets pissed off that they don’t have room to change lanes.

Ugh. It’s too late for some of us. I love my wife dearly, but she’s a terrible driver. Follows way too close in traffic, to the point that I’ve had to close my eyes when riding in the car with her. If she’s approaching stopped traffic at at intersection, she waits forever to start slowing down and then depends on her

I grew up near downtown Arlington and this was a constant problem. There are only a few under/overpasses anywhere in town and plenty of people didn’t know where they were. The main one downtown was a tiny little underpass that flooded every time it rained.

That is a legitimate concern, but its actually not the RR’s problem. Local EMS has the duty to plan around RR crossing obstructions.

It’s one of my guiding principles these days that if you really believe in something, you don’t spend your time loudly talking about it, you just get on with doing it.

EVERYWHERE still has issues with race and sexuality. If someone claims they’re from a perfect, enlightened utopia, they’re either lying to you or to themselves.

You’ve said and asked almost everything that was on my mind here. I’ve also been cringing at things from my younger years and wondering how the women involved remember them. I have a habit of dwelling on past mistakes anyway, so I really hate the idea that I may have made anyone uncomfortable and desperately wish I