
As someone who left Texas in 1999, I know exactly how you feel.

This is great news for Titans fans...until Marcus Mariota inevitably gets hurt again.

Fox’s history of not knowing which ones are which is the real tragedy.

I don’t think that’s true at all. Even if it is, it’s as much a problem of how you define other people as what you call yourself. If you think of yourself as a New Englander and you’re in New England and see a person with dark skin, do you immediately classify them as a New Englander? Or do you think of them as black?

I think they’ve already tried that. They do have McDonalds there, after all.

It’s interesting how selective your concern about free speech is. This guy disagreeing with what other people say is his right. Jalopnik exercising their right to disagree with what he says deserves a lecture.

The Titans make being a fan so embarrassing that I’d rather publicly claim one of my backup teams, the Patriots and the Cowboys.

I’m not saying he expects them to show up at game time. He’s just doing this for free publicity. It’ll keep the “undesirables” away and bring in all the “good people” who hate any form of protest. It’s win-win for him. And if that doesn’t work, he still has your scenario for him to fall back on.

I bet it’s the opposite. It’s South Carolina. He’s counting on his fellow brave patriots to show up in droves when word of his noble stand gets out. He may not even be wrong, unfortunately.

Isn’t that what he’s saying, though? That he wasn’t trying to kill them, just injure them, so it’s not attempted murder? I mean, shitty argument either way, but...

I’m so clever that I started at correcthorsebatterystaple9 and I’m working my way down.

I wonder how many people’s password is “correcthorsebatterystaple” now.

No, they didn’t, but keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

So you really were triggered.

I’ll start using good manners to refer to him when he starts using them to refer to basically anyone on Earth.

We’ve had this program in Nashville for the last couple of years. Everyone gets to eat, period. And beyond the obvious benefits, it’s made everyone’s lives so much simpler. Nobody - parent, cafeteria staff, administrator - is dealing with whether or not a kid has money in their lunch account anymore. As long as your

“Divisive” is a word people who see themselves as the default use to mean “dares to disagree with me.”

They have the only one of those. We went to the Air Force Museum a couple of months ago and the XB-70 was the thing I was most excited to see in the whole place. Freakin’ awesome. And huge.

Whitest of white guys here and the only part I even slightly disagree with is this:

Did he actually meet any Steelers fans?