
Some of these are funny. “After a few years of fucking people over, I couldn’t handle it any more. My morals got the best of me.”

No kidding, that’s why I use correcthorsebatterystaple1 now.

Well, not everyone sees conflating the military with the NFL and using a right-wing coke addled bigot to sell it to a bunch of flag humpers as a bad thing. Opinions vary, I understand.

I don’t know about percentages, but I guarantee you the lowest possible number is 62,984,825. 

Any consideration for the view point that it is unhealthy to the individual to generate a lifelong perception that “feeding me is the government’s job”?

Small, though.

Le’Veon, come to New England. We know how to get the most out of Pittsburgh’s rejected running backs.

Your mom didn’t give you much lovin’ eh? Poor thing.

Counterpoint. If Billy Eichner is in it I will never watch this season. He is the worst.