Annie from the Grog Booth

What. The. Fuck.

Beast actors the dude from Downton Abbey

10. Hunchback

This list is so fucked

I have lots to say to you but calling you an idiot is me playing nice. You’re a fucking idiot.


Expert commenter? Jesus Christ, you are a fucking twat.

K, idiot

You’re an idiot who dismisses people for calling you an idiot bc you know EVERYONE will agree with me and that makes you sad!

Online shopping 🙄

You’re an idiot

I’ve been patiently waiting for this.

He bought the kit at a RiteAid. On sale. Post Christmas.


Thx, bb :)

I didn’t pull him out, he was already sitting there swathed in his condescending bullshit

Some idiot already pulled you out of the greys so let me say from all of us

I want to hate your username but i love it sooooo

