No, it was pretty bad. Rewatched it recently and it doesn’t hold up. Kareem’s blinking dead body, the OBVIOUSLY fake corn, and the uneven casting make it seem more like a fan film than a big-budget ‘perfect’ telling of an imperfect story.
No, it was pretty bad. Rewatched it recently and it doesn’t hold up. Kareem’s blinking dead body, the OBVIOUSLY fake corn, and the uneven casting make it seem more like a fan film than a big-budget ‘perfect’ telling of an imperfect story.
I enjoyed RPO for what it was, and was actually looking forward to Armada.
Right with you. I really enjoyed RPO and was looking forward to Armada.
No snark, honest question: do people here on Kotaku still play Destiny 2?
But they can’t do any wrong. They’re all special and they should be creating all our new legislature.
Because that’s literally all they can do now. There is no incentive to be a better teaches do as long as enough of the shitty kids pass their state tests you’re safe. No wonder our country is so damned far behind in education.
I like you.
Yup, and that’s a huge issue. I have major problems with “no child left behind” for this very reason. If someone is causing other’s to fail, than that person needs to be the one leaving. I guess that’s why I prefer my coaching over teaching: If someone becomes too much of an issue, I can say goodbye.
Not sure if this is some Modest Proposal satire, but sign me up. You can’t tell me they wouldn’t be better off. Hell, all of us would probably be better off.
Because all schools care about is what % of the dots the kids fill out correctly on the standardized tests. As for why don’t they make school more engaging, aside from the above, I feel it’s twofold.
On the one hand, part of me resents the fact that I grew up in a period before tech like this was available. Adult-me knows just how much kid-me would have taken advantage of this.
Auriel’s my shit. I don’t know why she goes up and down in the meta so much.
Counterpoint: Junkrat is amazing.
Your top 4 is Spot. On. After that it gets a little muddy - mainly because I hold most 2D Zeldas over most 3D titles. Glad to see Link’s Awakening and the Oracles games still getting love. So good.
I’ll bet you a cookie that there are people shipping Siege characters. Why?
No, it’s just according to ‘shippers’ there is NO SUCH THING as a platonic relationship. If you spend any time with anyone(thing) you HAVE to want to fuck it. Facts.
Captain’s Log: 3/12/2018