I’m still not convinced that Mark Davis isn’t Will Ferrell pulling the long con.
I’m still not convinced that Mark Davis isn’t Will Ferrell pulling the long con.
Good. I play on Xbox and I do NOT want to play against mouse/keyboard. I actually came into the article expecting to be angry and was pleasantly surprised I won’t have an uneven playing field.
Not only that, but we have tens of thousands of pages detailing the history of Middle Earth for thousands of years. If you want more of Tolkien’s world: there’s a LOT more there to find. Read from the master’s own pen and not some internet fanfic if you want more.
If anything doesn’t need fan-fiction to flesh out it’s characters and worlds, it’s Middle Earth. Seriously the Hobbit and LotR are about 100 years in a history of many thousands. You can find out what exactly happened of Gimli and Legolas’ friendship. By reading, you know that at the beginning Sauron was very similar…
I will say this on every Octopath Traveler article I see: I will sacrifice my firstborn for a remake of FF6 in this vein. Square just need to provide the dagger and cleanroom.
Only 18 months or extra development time later!
I am one of the most vocal detractors of the game, but that things that it does amazingly well is flesh out the characters and make them feel real. Seriously, just the way they stand and interact with each other is leaps and bounds passed what we’ve seen before. If your hangup is on the main cast, don’t let it be,…
Like, it’s AMAZING what 12 years in development will do.
Samwise Didier has been the driving force of literally every piece of Blizzard design of the past 20 years. Don’t like his style: go elsewhere. I would argue that not only is he one of the genre’s best artists, he’s most likely its most influential. As for complaining about diversity in the female design, just take a…
So, even the game that represents more minorities/women than almost any game ever made STILL gets flack for not doing enough? It’s getting fucking tiresome.
“pretending you know exactly what the authors are saying” - Did I do this? I stated multiple times that I based my statement on a combination of the blurb for the video and the Gawkerverse need to write about sexism/racism/etc. multiple times per day. The very fact that this video exists is proof of this ‘problem’.
Post stupid articles: win stupid prizes. I counted another 4 Social Justice Articles (appropriation, racism, sexism, etc.) just today. They keep posting them, then I KEEP COMMENTING. It’s my burden; my cross to bear. It’s a hard life, but somebody’s got to do it.
Did I hurt you?
Cool story, bro. Tell that to the article slamming Black Panther for failing to represent to LGBTQ community, the one that said that Altered Carbon whitewashed the casting (even though that’s the point of the show), the story where they slammed Death Note for not including Asian characters even though the movie was…
Was criticizing the sexism/racism/everything-ism craze that has infected fandom recently and how you can’t enjoy anything for what it is. You have to look for some form of under/misrepresentation in everything. Sounds like the conversation hit on some of the same points as i did. Cool.
So, just keep going to the well and beat the dead horse on your way there? Seems fair.
No, I didn’t listen. Didn’t pretend to listen. Between Kotaku and io9, however, half of the articles are about whitewashing/under-representation/racism/sexism/etc so I figure my over-under on being correct is better than a Major League batting average. Just kind of over the whole thing after getting kicked down to the…
The sooner we all realize that everything is sexist/racist/genderist/specist the sooner was can accept that nothing is worth being created and simply wait for the inevitable end. Seems the be the only way to make some people happy.
God, it’s been over 20 years and still nobody has created a better theme than Terra’s, let alone a full soundtrack that matches up. It’s. So. Good. Just watching that video above made me want to go back and play the entire (SNES) game again.
People be shitty.