Wow. WOW.
Wow. WOW.
The OP did not compare them to video games, he used football as an reason for the violence. It’s not much of a stretch in that both video games and football being blamed for a school shooting is Fucking. Stupid.
I do? Do tell, miss Sally. Show my this magical connection between gun violence and football. Hell, show me these parallels between being a ‘cripple’ and being a former football player. You just want to stir the pot, bring absolutely no facts of justifications to the table, and then have the audacity to tell me that…
No, get your facts straight. The VAST majority of football players retire with little more than a few nagging injuries, and were rewarded handsomely for their efforts. My dad has more injuries and is more crippled than his two post-NFL friends do from being a welder. Sometimes hard work hurts, regardless of the field.…
How? Does football have potential long-lasting consequences? Yes. Does that mean it’s the same as shooting another human being with a fucking gun? No, not at all. I’m not denying the effects of the game, I’m refuting the fact that football is related to gun violence, especially when held up against other, much more…
Again, how is hitting another fully ‘protected’ human being at all the same as shooting and killing someone? This hypothetical line you speak of is miles long and tenuous at best. By your claim, is hockey not more violent than football? They do, after all, allow full on fights on the ice. For that matter, what of MMA,…
But how does ‘glorifying’ football = people shooting schools? Literally NOTHING you stating has anything to do with gun violence. At all.
Seriously, man, football as a culprit? That’s a bit of a reach there, Stretch Armstrong.
So, we’re back to this now, huh? Easy scapegoat. Don’t blame his mental state, KKK, lack of school security, etc. I thought we were beyond this ‘low-hanging fruit’.
What you did there, I see it.
I’ve been out of the PC loop for the past few years. My CPU heatsink/fan broke at the beginning of the month. Bough a new one for $25 off of Amazon, I was gifted a 250GB SSD from my father-in-law, and my friend on a whim messaged me and asked if I wanted his ‘old’ Titan Black for free. After 4 hours of 4K 60 fps…
Am I the only one that likes the eyes? Anyone?
Really want to get back in some Monster Hunter. It’s been a few weeks and I’m jonesin’.
Clean your fucking house. Ugh.
Kotaku has its own cosplay subsection, and there were way less cosplay-related articles than there are shipping articles now.
And I tend not to click on shipping articles. Every once in a while, a clicky headline gets me in, though. It happens.
At this rate, just make your own site called ShipTaku, being that you write multiple articles per week about the subject. We get it. You like fanfiction and shipping. At least with Overwatch it’s videogame related, but with Harry Potter Shipping Fanfiction, how exactly does it fit under the Kotaku blanket? I know, I…
Makes sense. Looks like something that would be amazing in the mind of a six-year-old, but in photographs it just looks....lumpy.
Sorry, Mike, but that red PS4 controller is HIDEOUS.
I don’t know what you’re trying to show me because that image simply doesn’t exist.