Thanks, Edwin!
Thanks, Edwin!
Our reviewer is too cool to read comments, and too awesome and above it all to like things.
Criticizing an ensemble show for having multiple plots is like criticizing ice cream for being cold.
Like, we get it, you don’t GET the show, but this is getting embarrassing at this point dude.
- Keely asking Mae if her name is short for anything and her replying “Maybe” and Keely calling her Maybe was hilarious
I don’t understand the complaint that plots wrapped up too quickly. Who wants multi episode arcs about Nate staying in bed? That sounds like riveting tv. Or Keeley moping about losing funding. Yes let’s see that for two more episodes before her soccer team owning friend just gives her the laughably small amount.
I promise I’ll stop ragging on Ted Lasso and its self-indulgent hour-long episodes soon—likely by season’s end.
I think you just don’t get the show.
Starting to think people who hate this show just hate joy.
Okay, I started writing this about halfway through the first paragraph of your article, when one of the ads crashed the page and reloaded, and I still haven’t changed what I was going to say after reading the whole thing:
I’m not sure why Manuel hated the Coach Beard press conference bit so much. It was funny. And it was in character — it’s not at all impossible to imagine Beard having opinions on classic rock guitarists that are both weird and weirdly intense.
Hendrix is the G.O.A.T. but would also have ended any debate scene before it began.
As a huge Led Zep hater, this episode gets an automatic A+++. Everything Beard said is 100 percent accurate about Jimmy Page. I’ll take Walsh over him any day.
But if you make it a drama and have everyone hate each ofher, critics will eat it up and call it the best thing on TV.
That's some red-hot social commentary there, comrade.
All the comments about the ted lasso recaps are about “you don’t like this show because” so mine is that you like this show because it sticks to the US sitcom tropes as if they were going to be banned tomorrow. It is a very conservative throwaway series of yay statu quo and where the fans do not really bother about…
Maybe you need to take a break from reviewing Bill Lawrence shows, Manuel.
I’ve come to realisation that “some” people get disappointed in shows/films not being what they expect them to be, based on how they’ve played things out in their head.
Well, my knowledge of musical theater is not as thorough as yours, but my enjoyment of this episode was much more thorough.