
Huh. It’s almost like it’s NOT a classic grinding RPG. Weird...

The show is stellar and the last 5 episodes have been amongst the best television in the past decade. Maybe we’re watching different shows, but my wife and I have been absolutely LOVING our Tuesdays recently.

Maybe go watch Gray’s? 

This is the most disingenuous article ever written. None of the mentioned songs claim to be the _____ National Anthem like “Lift Every Voice”. The question isn’t whether or not it’s a beautiful song that should be played at events, but rather the divisive fact that it’s claiming to be an anthem for a specific subset

God, this place sucks. I can smell the desperation and virtue signaling through the screen. Kotaku employs the weakest of the weak in an already failing and struggling field, and you might be the lowest one here. I honestly don’t know how you make it through life being offended by everything, faking oppression, and

Wait, wait, wait. You people ACTUALLY believe HER? Man, you’re really taking that ‘believe all women’ thing pretty far, no?

This site is a fucking joke.

Not to be “that guy”, but hasn’t Forza had this for years? I had a Mystery Wagon-themed VW Bus that went like 195 MPH in one of the Forza Games.

I went G9 and I’m never looking back. 5120x1440 for life. 

I went G9 and I’m never looking back. 5120x1440 for life. 

You had like 14 days to have 10 days with one game a day. I honestly don’t know how people are complaining that THAT’S too demanding.

And Kotaku STILL complained about it. These ‘journalist’ are a joke.

Ian’s an idiot. Accept that, and everything else falls into place.

Really with the “DoN’t TraVel CuZ coVId”? Stay at home if you want.

I LOVED it up until about my 9th-10th rift and my resources disappeared. What was a blast quickly became a chore and I lost all interest.

I feel great. The American court system prevailed over the court of public opinion (ie: Twitter) for the first time in a dog’s age. There’s still hope yet. 

$10 Holland-Spidey dies at the end of this movie and we get a Morales stinger at the end.

Well, bye.

Aaron Rogers owes you nothing, and he did nothing wrong. Y’all stop spouting the same BS narrative from your dollar store soapboxes and actually think for yourself.

Counterpoint: The Warthog is amazing and one of the most fun to drive vehicles in the game. Don’t listen to this hater.

10000% for this, but I do have an honest question: what benefit does the ASL interpreter provide that subtitles do not?

The problem with this tax is it is ABSOLUTELY not a ‘billionaire tax’. I have a couple hundred thousand that I’ve invested for the past decade and gained a couple hundred for retirement. It I had to pay unrealized capital gains, I would have to take my money out of my investments to pay the taxes on what it’s gained,