
Yeah, but they had one foot in the grave with the WiiU...

I’ve tried for every iteration to like the Playstation but I just can’t do it. I’ve been underwhelmed by all the Uncharted games, Horizon, all of Team Ico, etc. I buy them, play them for a few hours, then never look at them again. I understand it’s a problem with me because they are, by all accounts, stellar games,

I laughed at the Switch and awaited its failure, going so far as to call it Nintendo’s nail in the coffin. I was sure we’d see a PS4 of Xbox Zelda within a few years as Nintendo left the hardware business to focus on developing.

Cool. But it’s my opinion, ya’ know? Don’t like it: great. Form your own. That’s the great thing about ‘em!

Yeah, no. His overreacting was bad. Had it been an actual speech impediment and not something of his own doing, I could have gone past it. This was something done be choice and must be judged so. Like, if my friend gets a bad haircut I’m going to make fun of him. One of my other friends has a hemangioma on her face

Neat accomplishment. Tried to watch the video. Cringed.

We ain’t getting Legends 3, a new X game, or Battle Network if MM11 sells 50k copies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’ll most likely be about $20, or dinner for two and Carl’s Jr. For that price, even if it’s mediocre, I’m willing to put my faith in the little blue man going forward. We ain’t getting Legends 3, a new X game, or Battle Network if MM11 sells 50k copies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Right back at you, fart noise!

Are you new here? Every month we get an article about how Capcom has abandoned Mega Man. Capcom sites lackluster sales as reason for abandonment. Enough people complained and said “Give us more MM”. If nobody buys it, and it was just people making noise to make noise, then MM will be truly dead. Therefor, I got back

Capcom abandoned MM because of lack of sales. After enough people complained, they are making MM11. If MM11 does not sale well, we will get no more Mega Man. Ergo, if you want more Mega Man, regardless of the quality of this particular outing, then vote with your wallet. If it makes enough money, we’ll get more. If it

Then don’t complain about the lack of Mega Man if you don’t financially support the series. It’s that simple.

Then don’t complain about the lack of Mega Man if you don’t financially support it. It’s that simple.

Nope. If you’ve been complaining about the lack of Mega Man, you have to buy it regardless of quality. They say they’re not making any more MM games because they don’t sell. Prove them wrong of MM will be TRULY dead this time.

Everyone one of you that have been complaining about Capcom abandoning Mega Man better buy this game.

$2.50 worth of materials on sale for $70?

$2.50 worth of materials on sale for $70?

I understand it’s unheard of, but it seems to be the case for me. When I was younger, I always got carsick and got nausea and vertigo easily. It got so bad that the doctor ordered me glasses to combat it even though my vision wasn’t much worse than 20/20 (I’m 34 now and haven’t worn glasses in almost 2 decades with no

It might be the DOF, Motion Blur, screen tearing, etc.

I have a hard time doing much. :’(