Matthew Phillips

Holy crap. A rational, logical, well thought out response. I’m blown away.

It occurs to me that Cheryl Blossom would make an amazing Supergirl villain. Supergirl shows up & usurps her popularity, which makes her very upset. She uses her cunning and the Blossom fortune to hire henchmen, acquire a cool gothy kryptonite amulet or something, set an evil trap - GAME ON.

What Persona taught me about friendship: Increase your stats or no one will want to hang out with you.

Of course Talia al Ghul is still alive. She came out of the Lazarus Pit!

Apparently her character in the comics has a robot arm so this was all part of a plan.

What the hell was going on in a lot of the Defenders?

If they took a raven or two WITH them...

I’ll def look at leasing one or buying used after college so I can let my AE86 take a break from daily driving. If its manual, I’m DEFINITELY in.

Sad to see them just abandon the game like this. I personally really enjoyed the game in spite of its flaws and was looking forward to the Quarian ark DLC teased at the end of the game.

What would you think about recommending to keep the Leaf and instead buy a second vehicle that fits Seattle weather/culture and meets all the same vehicle requirements?

Why? Given the rate batteries are developing, by the time it comes out, this thing will almost certainly have far more EV-only range than you could ever need.

Is Nebula’s BFF in the Angry Metal Arm Club?

It made me stop playing the game for like, a year, until I finally picked it back up and battled through it.

Engine oil. Don’t believe the marketing, just change it when you’re supposed to.

Whats the Japanese for “Oh cock.”?

See, I think that driving around while listening to the FF6 and FF9 soundtracks while looking for big monsters to kill and shiny things to pick up were the game, and everything else was filler.

Little known fact: automotive air conditioning was invented by three brothers from Long Island. In the 1930s they convinced Ford to offer it in their luxury cars but wanted one condition. In each car they wanted a small plaque on the dashboard that read “This car air conditioned courtesy of the Weinstein Brothers”