Matthew Phillips

250+ miles is ... barely enough for a commute? Get a new job.

My wife.

IBO is just mediocre, though. It tried to break the mold but ended up half-assing everything. Under-utilised amazing mech designs, amazing settings with rich lore but never really matter, characters with supposed depth but actually shallower than puddles...

Missed opportunity for crossover fanfic:

>public channels

What, no CBS? Do you not like How I Bang Two And A Half Broke Girls: Los Angeles? Wait, that probably wouldn’t air on TV...

They (they?) should make him drive it exclusively for the next five years. That way he’d be motivated to get the bugs out.

We’ve got ourselves a pitchman!

I am now going to thank everyone involved with this project as none of this would be possible without each and everyone of them. So close your eyes if you don’t want to see anything to do with sponsors and such evil.

Nice people doing nice things to others, I think it’s great. So explain this to me, why can’t we do this at government level. It’s either people who run it are total dipshit arseholes, or, erm..., or...something.

This is nice, but three miles is nothing. Why must we keep lowering the bar on EVERYTHING?

If you are in NOVA, or near DC, you can take a bus for around $50 round trip. If you are lucky maybe you can work on the bus remotely. 4 hours each way makes up for the day of work lost. And you can make friends with a bench and boom its almost all profit.

Plane ticket from VA to NYC - $315

I offered some guy from the internet my crapcan XJ for free if he would just haul it away. Instead, after driving half the day he showed up at my house, drank all my beer, and pissed off all my neighbors by wrenching on it in my driveway half the night. Then he crashed on my couch, covering it and my dog grease. In

And if that wicked jump doesn’t get you, you’ll definitely die from alcohol intoxication after drinking away the pain of having killed the absolutely cutest little thing in the world.

I rode a plenty times in an aerostar with my neighbors on excursions as a kid. Never a windstar though....

“You guys wanna smoke weed in my mom’s van?”

It sounds like you were poor enough to qualify for Medicare expansion program. Unless you lived in a state with a GOP legislature and governor who decided they didn’t WANT you to be able to afford the black president’s insurance.