Matthew Phillips

The T6 Ranger and the current Colorado are not small by any means either. Being uncomfortably narrow doesn’t make a reasonably sized pickup. 

This. My Fiancée is from that lovely state as well and she pretty much hates my truck(s) especially since I really don’t need one. But touts their usefulness. It’s a catch 22. Here in the south you’re bound to have people who have trucks and some are their sole vehicles. I do occasionally tow and haul things and not

It’s a 53 Roadmaster with the 322 so V8. 

Yea, I’m in the Amherst area. But yea.


First year V8?

If you ever want a distraction come over to central va and help me swap a motor in a 50’s Buick.

I’m getting first gen Escape vibes and I’m digging it. 

....false... they are chassis codes for the same gen of car

All trucks that size are like that. Benefit of the Gladiator is that you can take the roof off and make it less cramped. 

NY is probably one of the most difficult and expensive states to try and get a license. My GF told me of the process she went thought just to get her permit, vs the procedure she went through here in VA for her permit and license.

As a fan of the last gen 200 I think it was one of the better looking midsize sedans that went swoopy in 2014. The front end was different if not whalish. Not much different than the also whalish Lincoln MKZ. 

Manual 3.0 Accord. You’re welcome, happy hunting. 

We’ll see if mine will be running by the time this thing is unveiled!

Everybody needs to leave my mustang suv baby alone now...

Nows a good time to get a Xr as well, it was unveiled around this time last year so it’s not completely obsolete in Apple terms. I like mine.

Didn’t think I needed this... thanks 

He’s been too busy dying in secret I think. 

My 6+ literally stopped connecting to my service provider.... I ended up getting a XR the next day. 

You can get two doors for soo cheap still