Matthew Phillips

Let’s be honest, we all want to go fast in a supercar, but we don’t have the skill set

This is the right answer. I love driving. I love track driving. I’ll never be able to afford a supercar or rent one with the skill (read: balls) to push it to the limit. But I would also love to feel what the limit would be in a supercar. If this were a thing I would have already gotten a my frequent user discount.

It’s not a defense, it’s a deterrent. Our way if saying we’re going to blow up their stuff if they don’t behave.

That’s Tesla’s hope. That people love the brand and image that regardless of corners cut with the product, they’ll still want it. Tesla’s probably correct, unless there are quality problems.

Somehow, it looks much cheaper than the S. Which of course, it is.

I just can’t help thinking - is Miss Fritter a nod to Miss Frizzle?

He is suggesting that we kill them.

Hell for 17k you could find an 04 and make it TT for the 8-10 grand you’ll have left over.

For 17k you could get a GTO and supercharge it.

Yeah, for $17k I’ll go get a GTO. Also, not a big fan of the air cleaner just hanging out between the headlights without any sort of grill. The seller must have an awfully hard relationship with Bobby Brown, because this is one Hell of a crackpipe.

That’s my personal fave. (because I love XJs)

Many of you out there are looking for a capable but interesting classic off-roader, dreaming about big Benzes and for

I want to do a Cobra kit car with an EFI 347 based on the Fox 5.0 with a Tremec 5M. I really like those EFI roller Windsor engines......much better than a carbureted, flat-tappet thing....

Says a guy who has obviously never owned and old Ford.

The PT Cruiser bashing gets sooooo stale.

It’s a ford. Thing was probably broken more than it was running anyways.

These assholes are outliers. Most country folk would beat them senseless for wasting a good vehicle.

This exact reason is why I eventually adopted the motto, “Never drive your project car”. If you get an old car, take it apart down to the last nut and bolt and EXPECT to replace lots of stuff before relying on it as a daily driver. I know from way too much from experience in this department.

“Quit now”

When friends and family ask me for advice for what car they should buy. I give them several really good, interesting options. Then, they ignore those choices and end up buying a Camry.