Matthew Phillips

If Iococca were still at Chrysler he would definitely pull a stunt like that.

Just because you own the land and pay taxes on it does not mean you can do anything with your land. The town knows best.

That would piss me off so hard.

Plot Twist: This is an elaborate Jeep PR stunt, and the car that will be revealed upon the garage’s excavation is actually the new 2019 Wagoneer.

Touch-less car wash are useless, especially with hatchback/wagon/suv

I have never used Uber, or any of those services, and I am not going to speak to the merit of this or anything Uber or anyone has done here, because they could be guilty as sin.

Meesa made some bad choices. Meesa done things Jar Jar not proud of.

My wife and I have definitely considered homeschooling as one of our top choices for our eventual kids. We definitely agree that it’s a great option for many. I have 4 or 5 friends / coworkers who have homeschooled kids. They seem to be more mature and are definitely better educated than the run of the mill school

Is Rey even a Jedi? I know she’s a powerful force user and what not but does one become a Jedi the second they sign up to Jedi school? I’d of thought you weren’t really a Jedi until graduating.. by fighting you dad or what not.

Screw that noise.

If you voted CP the line to fight me starts to the left.

So if it cost 10-15k to get to 10k you’d have 13.5-18.5k all in. Not too bad.

It would probably take $10-15k worth of work to get it worth $20k. This is a beater, plain and simple. However, it is a conniseur’s beater.

If the dude didn’t fly the plane regularly, I don’t see the reason to have it in the driveway except to be a loony old man.

This is one of the many reasons I live in the country. Nobody can complain about my Saab graveyard because there’s nobody around to see it.

He doesn’t need a plan regarding what to do with his plane though. It’s his plane.

Okay but dig this:

I legit laughed out loud.

We can’t all be famous highly paid Univision bloggers, CHRISTINA!