Matthew Phillips

I call bullshit. I used to set up my male friends all the time. A lot of my guy friends got dates with girls they may not have gone out with otherwise because I could vouch for them not being douches.

Well, I applaud him for wanting to spend more time with the family, because you know...that’s more important.

Haha actually we are at the point where I talk about cars specifically to bother her. Occasionally I can get her hooked into a conversation for a few minutes, but not often. I do have her swooning over the Volvo V90, though. 

I’m with you there 100%. I had dad’s station wagon to drive, which in the mid 80's was the most uncool thing in the world. Had they existed at the time, I would have LOVED a ragtop Mini.

As someone from the same general area as Joey, if you don’t have a car, there’s no getting around. Everything is spread out to the point that you can’t easily bike/walk to much. Bus service is extremely sporadic, and there’s no rail of any kind. I suppose there’s hitching a ride with parent(s), sibling(s), or

She’s just burying it deep down inside and one day she will either disappear or her brain may explode. That, or she slowly begins to resent you, not realizing it until one day she is leaning over you as you sleep. She snaps to and realizes that stabbing your through the heart would be much harder to get away with than

I’m A High School Student Looking For My First Ride! What Car Should I Buy?


Yes. DO NOT TALK ABOUT CARS. I think my fiance is about to leave me for this very reason.

First, you say hello.

My girlfriend at the time was not a fan of the Camaro, but was okay with it. Now years later my girlfriend (and hoping this year to be fiance) has said multiple times how AC and actual safety features are much more sexy than loud, barely running and no AC. When we started dating I was in an E30. She did not like that

I can agree with Tom’s Mazda3 recommendation, but I cannot agree with the year specified.

I agree with Torch. Your first car should be a pile, that way if you write it off or ding it (if you’re a male...this is sadly likely) it’s not a big issue, keep it cheap but enjoyable. If you spend the whole 10k first up you won’t be able to afford repairs, fuel or any unforseen issues (or insurance) I won’t

Do like I did kid. Screw your parents. Be a rebel.

Can’t be RWD because of snow? PLEASE. I’m in Wisconsin and we barely got any snow this year, or any year. I grew up driving RWD cars and trucks and let me tell you, it’ll teach you a lot about proper driving techniques and having proper tires...

High schooler also named Joey here, I second the crap can, bought my parents minivan and a set of winter tires and haven’t looked back. Also can rip tire smoking burnouts with all seasons if so desired.

How about a 02-07 WRX. Or maybe an Impreza sport. If not, what about a Legacy GT? Want FWD, get a Honda Civic SI.... can never go wrong with a Honda transmission and reliability.

Because he said “no rear wheel drive because snow”, and because he’s got a budget of $10k, I’m going to suggest an E36 3 series. Buy a set of winter tires and read jalopnik every now and then.

I second the Jeep....but more CJ-7 project vs Wrangler.