Matthew Phillips

You were saying?

Idris Elba as Ms. Frizzle. Plain and simple.

I homeschooled one of my kids through high school. The public schools completely failed him (he has a disability). Community college has been a great experience for him.

John Bo-Jaeger is good, but Pacific Finn is better.

Gears bro, gears.

I played tons and tons of the first Dissidia on the PSP and really loved it. Before Dissidia i played a lot of fighting games rather casually (mostly smash melee) but Dissidia got me motivated enough to look deeper into its mechanics. I loved playing as Zidane. If the gameplay is nearly the same in this new version, i

Did some iDevice user hurt your feelings?

Since this is about iOS, are you saying Android is where real computers are at?

I don’t know about that. Super Smash Bros, my favorite competitive gaming series, is more for a niche audience(with...”help” from the Melee community). This is no exception. Seeing Smash commonly in Esports events as...say Counterstrike is but a fever dream.

...until you screwed on the turbo. Then things sped right up.

But I had a red convertible one on a college campus where you could only drive 20. All the ladies could admire me in my Wayfarers and popped collar just the same as if it went fast.

Pretty average for how people drive even today.

Pretty average for an economy car of the era.

I’d love to see a more respectful (or as respectful about giant robots that turn into stuff can be) take on TF, but I’m just afraid if they have to wait long enough for the memories of Bayformers to be behind us, Peter Cullen won’t be able to voice Prime anymore. And that guy from Honest Trailers they have doing him

They’ll never end because the movie years are when the toys sell best. The movies are also what lifted the toyline back out of relative obscurity.

I don’t get this obsession with professionalism. I’m an adjuster and I have a bright orange car with black racing stripes. If my client’s, claimants or insureds don’t like it.. Fuck em.

The 4Runner TRD Pro is as close as you can get to a Land Cruiser without it actually being a Land Cruiser, in terms of off-road ability.

As a Bernie admirer, if not supporter, i will say i have NO PROBLEM with the money these people are making. Theyve worked their whole lives to get there, competed fantastically, and work like dogs to stay there.