Matthew Phillips

lol the truck to the left: "HA! Shit, that tire almost hit me. Whew, close one"

I'm a casual rider, but here in Denver there's a ton of places to bike, so I picked up a 2012 Diamondback Edgewood hybrid. I've enjoyed it so far. Speaking of which, I need to get a new back tire & tube.

My major experience with the Toyobaru twins stem from the extended 2 day BRZ loaner experience I got from the dealership in Hirakata City. I think they're fabulous cars, and the power is adequate for what you NEED, and is more than capable of propelling the car to speeds with which to have fun and test the limits of

Let me save you all the trouble with this 10 minute sketch.

Oh, you mean, like this? I drew it awhile ago.

Hawkeye and Green Arrow

I'm sure she could kick all our butts IRL having been in the Israeli military.

ah many a j has dissapeared there...

This was one of the cars that started it all for me. My grandfather grew up in France and bought a 1952 Avant and it is still in the family. Now if only we could keep it running....

Spring of '87, im a senior, and like most seniors we get let out a few minutes before the rest of the school. this day however I lingered to BS with somebody in the small parking lot of the Catholic HS i attended. one by one my friends leave the conversation and hopped into their respective rides to pull past me and

I'm smoking weed with my buddy in my Z32 (Keep in mind, this is Canada I live in, where Marijuana laws are quite lax). T-Tops open. Late night. We're at the top of a cliff overlooking Ottawa... Just a gorgeous setup. We have some Miles Davis Quintet playing on the radio, and we're just passing the J back and forth,

my 21st birthday, i got my buddy to drive my car so i could celebrate. End of the night, im massively sloshed and my head is hanging out the passenger window to facilitate the inevitable pukestorm to come. We get stopped by Ride Chek - a cops program put on every weekend during the spring and summer to check ppl for

Daenerys is actually a pretty cool name. Tyrion isn't bad either. Khaleesi is horrible. I knew a guy named Epluribus once. That's the worst I've ever heard. And yes, he was an African American gentleman.