Matthew Phillips


The first design was far superior.

Snyder screws up, yet again.

May I present to you the Isuzu Como. Cab forward design...almost cab over. Mid engined powered by f1 power plant?

Something like this? Oh no wait, that's a cab forward train, not a cab over. My bad. Still my favorite train ever. It's just so beastly.

At first I was like "Hey, Hotrod! There's a new game coming out!"

We've gotten to a nice level that people know who we are, they know the show, people have been very generous. We just pursue any car that we want.

It's admittedly pretty rough around the edges, but you get the idea ...

I'm pleased you like the post. I did try to avoid the question of belief. I wanted to focus on what the intended message of the passages were. Glad that came across.

Thank you! You've managed to discuss some interesting passages from the Bible without being insulting! I'm a Christian and thoroughly enjoyed reading this, but I fully expect that the militant atheists from Reddit will be here soon with all of their arrogance and vitriol. But until then, I'd just like to say that I

I was a really snotty, sarky and hugely uptight kid at that age. Risk taking and impulse control was never a problem for me. Tried to learn how to drive, something I entered into for all the wrong reasons anyway, scared the daylights out of myself and never tried again. No drugs and alcohol. Never got involved with

And just like that, Pokemon became a SquareEnix game.

Funny though how that doesn't work for the principles: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Ben Kenobi, or Han Solo. Edward Snowden is probably the cook on Hoth.

"Edward Snowden" does have a distinctly Star-Warsian sound to it, doesn't it?

If it were me, I'd call her insurance company and let them know that. People like that should not be allowed behind the wheel. It's my greatest fear when I ride my motorcycle that people will think I'm being an asshole just for riding along and do something stupid. Or worse, they're doing something stupid so I pass