Matthew Phillips

My grandad was behind someone on their phone whilst driving (badly) so at a stoplight he knocked on the window, grabbed her phone and chucked it into someones garden and then just drove off. was surreal

Great guys! pack your things, the feminists have won, let's go home. They don't need us any more.

I'm glad it's up there all alone after what it did to my cat. I hope it rots! Damn you, Curiosity!

Am I the only one who heard President Obama's voice as he was reading this?

Haven't been really following TMNT since the 90's. Is that supposed to be April? Wtf... She looks like a 14-year-old soccer fan who's ready for a 'casual' date with four other dudes. I hate this new generation already.

Obviously you weren't there. That is my daughter and she literally ran to him when she spotted him from across the courtyard. She has watched her video that I made for her at least 100 times and one of my friends found this one and sent me the link and now she is glued to this one and has shared with all her

But I doubt he will be that big...

Now playing

And yet it still isn't as disturbing as a Miku concert on an aircraft carrier while planes jet off to go into combat.

Well, that sure as shit is one way to go around a track. I like this kid.

I brought my flame suit for this...

"One day the light touched me"

Forefather: John Paul Jones (Granted, this is a stretch, but he is considered the father of the American Navy)

Fuck yeah, trains through town! If I ever have the time, space, and money to build a small model railway, there's a 100% chance of a train going through main street.

Non violent? Did you see homeboy flipping these tables at the temple?

There's only one God Ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.

Wow. I don't usually go around saying thinks like "I'm offended", but yeah. I'm totally offended. I'm a Christian, and honestly I'm sick of everyone trying to turn their character into Jesus (LotR's Aragorn, Aslan from Narnia, etc.). I don't find it really insulting to Jesus as I do it's insulting to me. It's like if