Matthew Phillips


bus tickets are $50 :)

That last grey one excites the anime/Scifi child in me. I need one.

My XJ is a shitcan of awesome

I need more future Aerostars in my life.

if you’re on your phone.. yes

Quintessa pulled an alice and is in human disguise.

The only qualm that Obamacare had with me was the fact that I was forced to have it even though I can barely afford it on my lovely two-job, student poverty living paystub.

I hope so...

hahaha, I’ve done that. and with Oreillys tools.

oh! I know nothing about that.

mine is usually 75 at start up, 40 when warm at acceleration then 25-30 at idle.

aaaw i can’t see the name I purchased a spot for :/

The third film cinema wise is honestly the best of the 5. 4 being a close second, the first being third. 2 and 5 both felt rushed like Hasbro needed a quick buck.

Exactly, that’s why I pay for figures and Crunchyroll...

It’s funny because I bought a subaru when I was in Washington state for a few months last year and could feel the hate of other drivers on the road. I would be cut off and would not be let into lanes so I activated the Northern Virginian in me and just used my horn or forced my way around them. All the while knowing

14 year old me laughed...

Fun fact..

Really... The first 5 mins was pretty good until the main human cast showed up.

Well, I have tickets to see it after work today because I’ve really enjoyed three of the previous four.