Matthew Phillips

....That was a horrible time for that kid to eat that donut.

cool.. Live action Mass effect :D

...Mecha suggest that there are Robots...

Muslim girl was from my home city I haven’t checked her age but there’s a chance we have gone to the same comm college :/

I do this all the time on Circuit de la Sarthe in Gran Turismo

The guys here at Podcast FSFL wish you luck we even sent some gas change your way ;)

I prefer a Trident myself

CP.... 100X CP

I just bought this game on my PS3 and had no frickin clue what I was supposed to do... I quit after getting stepped on for the 30th time and will now go back and climb all over the monster to find it’s magic bits.

I would hate for them to rate an Xj’s headlights :/

My Mercury has a Cassette player !

Opinions opinions.

As a guy, yea theres an average flaccid size, but the penis has a habit of shrinking and growing as it sees fit... and yes you can squeeze all of that into one hand.

I love you

....and there were more white and black dudes in the original


The only people I know who hate subs are either my dyslexic friends or the ones who just hate reading I’m a pretty fast reader so subs were never an issue for me even when I started out with anime.

I’m not gonna lie and Do what David Tracy should have.

to be fair I love panthers... I’m on my second and it doesn’t even run.

My 1995 Legacy Outback wagon