Matthew Phillips

My 95 Legacy wagon has a great interior... But hard seats, must be what makes a subaru a subaru.

Would you call this the spiritual successor the late H3-T ?

unless you’re also carrying... people.. All of a sudden that basket or rack makes for sense.

I love my roof basket...

I would vote for the Jeep Compass. Has a very American family history with italian mixed in. Can tell a great joke, but very conservative in beliefs. Very approachable vs It’s marine brother Wrangler and Harvard law older sister Cherokee.

I was driving my Subaru across the country a few months after I bought trailing my roommate speeding a good 10-15 over (I’m an enforcer apparently so this bothered me) when I encountered a BMW 3-series in the left lane going slow and a Kia soul in the right they were side by side and wouldn’t let me pass... so i

Here’s why I do this (I use Neutral though) 20 some year old Subaru front end gets grindy sometimes while at a stoplight and it makes me nervous so I put it in neutral and it fixes the problem.

Horizontal engines feel great, but don’t sound so hot...

my Legacy ?

What... Are you serious... Today’s cars are not only thicker, but built better than those of the past 10-25 years. that Versa above is probably safer than my 95 Legacy and your Grand Prix hands down.

and no legroom in the third row.

Chassis made for AWD, get’s AWD...

So,that Last 32k can be used for Fuel and insurance !

Oh goodness... Gimme a TJ UL

I don’t mind Jeep guys, it’s the Die hard “The CJ was the last real Jeep” guys that need to shut up.

Ugh... I just ordered one of those... Looks even more tacky than I’m willing to live with.

My ABS likes to annouce itself in my 95 Legacy wagon when I have more than two people in the car.

Lose an “O” there dear sir.

My dream garage when I grow up, Minivan, Sedan, and project car ;)