
So what? The kid’s friend got it from another kid, who most likely... got it from their household.

Come on, people. Calbee shrimp “chips” are much better anyway and not made out of rare potatoes. The hot garlic flavor is fantastic.

Just another reason to not own one of those fucking always listening things

Natural obsolescence? Right, that’s why in the old days they built things that would last for 30 years.

if it’s avoidable and done to “encourage users to buy an iPhone 7", it’s planned obsolescence.

The fact that it has been six years doesn’t negate the fact that its obsolescence was planned

Does this effect calbees shrimp snack? I have no idea if it is potato, wheat or a combination of both, all I know is they are delicious.

As government becomes less powerful than corporations, it attempts to curry favor with corporations. This is maybe not “free market” but it skips a lot of that messy competition to get to what corporations really want: monopoly, legal and without competition. Capitalism’s end state is total monopoly. Corporations

I don’t get your love of Hawk then. I mean, even most White Sox fans don’t like him much. He’s kind of annoying with his “daggummits” and “on the boards” and “Stone-Ponys.” Also, have you noticed how much he talks about Carl Yastrzemski? It’s weird. Benetti is much better.

Listen, you love Hawk. We get it. But Benetti just brings more to the table. Sorry, man, that’s just the way it is.

Maybe when he says “one of,” Marchman is referring to the fact that there are other good announcers in baseball and maybe some of those are also in Chicago? Maybe?

Because she probably got 1000 death threats. That’s the problem with this kind of story. She’s the villain of the story, but now it’s likely that other people have threatened her with violence, which is even worse.

Now playing

Since all the protest music seems to be stuck in the Reagan era, this. (Also because The Hard Times just did a great “news” story about Biafra. Also because it’s Friday, and it’s time the investigators did a “Let’s mooooove it out!” to the whole fucking administration ...)

I know. It’s Assad day.

Unbelievable. That guy must absolutely hate Russell Wilson.

I still think this part of Trump’s plan to get Kushner killed so he can move in on Mrs. Kushner.

Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.

Attention idiots: Right do NOT, repeat, NOT come from your god.

Salt and vinegar got robbed

Salt and Vinegar now and forever. This list is a travesty

“Multiple Cirrhosis? How many lizards does this guy have?” --Emmitt Smith