
“Raggedy man...goodbye.”

You sound like someone who has not gotten the flu and doesn’t really know what the flu is. I got the real flu while in my mid 20s and in perfect health, and it was terrible. When you get a cold and feel bad for a couple days but tough your way through it with some medication, that is not the flu. The flu is in the

I would be interested to see that math. How much is a flu shot? What’s the opportunity cost of staying home sick?

Oh so that’s what happened when they left the attic.

#NeverForget their amazingly hideous matching hairdos that made them look like twins from Village of the Damned.

Oh god, yes, thank you for saying this! My parents have been married over 35 years now and I would pray for them to get divorced as a kid. My dad was abusive to all of us and it was pure hell. I was envious of kids with divorced parents! I’m not saying it’s easy for those families, but like you stated, divorce

This. The best thing my parents could do for their marriage was end it. Everyone was much happier and healthier after they did.

Ermagerd, yes. So much yes. I am acquaintances with a couple who are now extremely Christian (they are high school sweethearts and were not religious at all in high school...somewhere along the line they just decided they needed Jesus in their lives). I’m friendlier with the wife and listening to her speak about her

Preach. Just because you stay married, does not mean that you SHOULD stay married. FFS the world would be better if all “marriages” were like a 10-year contract with options, rather than life long bullshittery.

I agree!! Don’t get me wrong, I’m petty and want all the gossip. But they were together for what, 12 years? That is quite a success, in my opinion.

Weirdly, no one ever divorces for irreconcilable similarities.

They also add that (per a source) her “decision to file has to do with the way Brad was parenting the children ... she was extremely upset with his methods.”

That’s just great. Now we’ll be inundated with “Brad Pitt gets back together with Jennifer Aniston” headlines for the next 20 years.

The NRA wants you to have a weapon in your classroom, so that power could be yours depending on which state you live in.

She shot him because she wasn’t “having cooperation” from him.

and calling a kid a pedophile? come the fuck on this isn’t funny

I had a teacher who used to say shit like this. It isn’t as funny as you might think being on the receiving end of insults from someone who has that much control over your life. We had an assembly about verbal and emotional abuse by the RCMP that year where we were told we should report anyone who abused us to the

“She told a student, ‘I have never said this to a student before, but fuck you.’”

Right, like Ron is a fucking dipsomaniac. I wanted to see an episode where he wakes up in Tijuana next to a dead hooker with shit in his pants and roughly ten erotic Mupper Baby tattoos. At least Jack admits he has a drinking problem in one of the live episodes.