
You’re sort of missing the point. Which is that that doesn’t matter at all. Because the propaganda is good.

I’m disturbed that this is the first truly damaging propaganda against Trump.

One time I got the flu shot, and then I picked up three hookers and a six pack of Mountain Dew.

YES! I just posted about my flu I got in my mid-twenties. It remains a legitimately traumatic event in my life. And I have been sick at other times. I have had pneumonia. I have had surgeries. I have had salmonella poisoning. That flu made me sicker, and took longer ultimately to recover from than any of those things.

But why would you? What is the up side to skipping the shot?

“Clinical Eating disorders are rare but disordered eating is pretty common and the only real difference between the two is that eating disorders are more extreme versions of disordered eating.”

“this whole thing started with you claiming that someone could eat a ton of high calorie junk food and still be skinny”

This is factually inaccurate. People with eating disorders don’t resist their biological urges. They just obey different biological urges.

I know that people who consume more calories weigh more. I’ve never said otherwise. All I have maintained is that most people, regardless of how much they eat, or their weight, are eating to satisfy themselves. Almost no one, and this includes skinny people, are defying their innate drives.

Fucking heart breaking. I genuinely feel nothing but concern for this woman.

Why do people who believe in a loving God think that that God would want them to live under that kind of stress every day of the rest of their short lives?

Please crawl back up your own ass and into the 1950s. There you will find all of the jello mold cakes that you are missing in this millennium.  

No. Because that woman doesn’t get divorced.

As I just said in my last post, many people don’t want to share joint physical custody just because they travel a lot. Angelina Jolie has been a UN goodwill ambassador. It might be as simple as that.

In this scenario, though, I don’t think we can read anything into her not wanting joint physical custody. Again... PHYSICAL custody. For people who travel a lot, joint physical custody can be a real hassle. You have to inform the other parent whenever you cross a state line (depending on where you live). If there’s a

“That is wholly untrue and really annoys me because it discounts my discipline.”

Can I just say thank you. And also, I feel this is the most American “dumpster fire of a thread” I have ever participated in. I have been accused of being “defeatist” (like, how dare I deprive fat women of even the dream of ever being thin by suggesting thin women aren’t doing anything special) and also of putting out

If you’re more worried about white kids looking racist in this costume than happy that brown kids will have the chance to wear a costume like this then your priorities, in this case, are too white.

THIS. Beth Elderkin is offended by this costume, as are a bunch of the white people on this site, because they don’t have any little brown boys in their lives. All they think when they see this is that their child, or children that look like them will look racist in it. For people with brown skinned children looking

To be fair, the writers of this article only noticed skin color, in this case, because it didn’t benefit them, or their hypothetical children. They looked at this costume and saw something you can’t put a white child in without looking racist. People with little brown boys in their lives look at this costume and see

Well, when we were kids we at 5 or 6 times a day. Kids have to eat frequently. But even as a kid I know I took in most of my calories in one meal: dinner. And I know that none of us were really into breakfast. If I look back on my life it went: