So public shaming is ok with you. What’s next? Shall we also bring back public stonings?
So public shaming is ok with you. What’s next? Shall we also bring back public stonings?
Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?
Pretty sure a lot of her fellow TYumrp idiots would see the name “Emirjeta Xhelili” (Albanian perhaps? definitely not MURRCAN) and think she’s the one in the hijab
I didn’t read the whole list, but does it also add a horniness gauge that becomes as much of a boring job as all the others to manage?
Studies have shown that people will have a false memory when they are questioned this way. Amanda didn’t randomly name Patrick, the police kept pressing her about him, until she finally agreed with them.
If you say so.
Sure, sure, I can understand that. Counterpoint: 13 hours of questioning, no lawyer, no translator, lies about evidence and witnesses, and an insistence that she *imagine* what might have happened to fit their narrative, after her own account of her whereabouts was shot down again and again.
Also, within the past five years, 6 Italian scientists were convicted of manslaughter for failing to warn people about the dangers of earthquakes. So, I'd take Italian convictions with a grain of salt...
I don’t either. From everything I’ve read they had no evidence and tried to make bizarre claims to explain it away. The whole devil sex cult idea was deranged.
I’ve read so much about this case and simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how so many people still think she’s guilty. Maybe it’s because I lived in Italy and can totally imagine how convoluted the entire justice system is. Italy has had like 60 governments since WWII. Only one Italian government has lasted a full five-year term…
Amen. My grandmother, born in 1911, worked her entire adult life as an actuary, which was some seriously complicated shit to do without the benefit of computers to crunch the numbers and generate the risk tables. And, although she was an outlier in her community (never giving up her full time job to raise her four…
And it doesn’t hurt when Dad is a highly respected attorney specializing in family law. Seriously though, thank goodness she had him in her corner, otherwise she'd be seeing Suri about as often as Nicole Kidman sees the two kids she and Tom adopted.
I’m really excited for this movie! This article highlights something I felt while watching the trailer though — it seemed like they were using the vocabulary of today's feminism to tell the story of people who wouldn't necessarily subscribe to its tenets. Regardless, excited to see some WOC helping launch spaceships…
What a nationalistic mentality. Not everyone feels that the wars soldiers fight and have fought lead to our freedoms being protected. I know I don’t. As an openly gay women in a national sport she fought through a lot- to EARN it as you say -to do what she feels during a national anthem.
The national anthem is not a military hymn. It might be for you. But that’s not what it’s about for everyone. And the US military hasn’t always been the good guys.
She has the right to wave the rainbow flag because public opinion grew less homophobic, and because of SCOTUS and changes in the law at the city & state level, not because of soldiers.
The troops do not own the anthem.
I’m pretty sure the people who died for our freedoms didn’t do it so that this country would become a place where you have to show dogmatic loyalty to symbols as if we lived in a dictatorship, saluting “Dear Leader” and bowing down lest we be marked a traitor. Let’s save that forced patriotic bullshit for North Korea.